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kathryn_o |
3 years, 11 months ago by kathryn_o
@Oreos_Yum naw it’s cool I mean you have the right to believe whatever you want unless you disrespect others I just wanted to clear some stuff up in the comments
Oreos_Yum |
3 years, 11 months ago by Oreos_Yum
@kathryn_o yes i know i am sorry that was a while ago and i am sorry for the way i behaved 😔
kathryn_o |
3 years, 11 months ago by kathryn_o
@Oreos_Yum also I just wanna let you know that I respect your beliefs!
kathryn_o |
3 years, 11 months ago by kathryn_o
@Oreos_Yum “May, marked officially as Military Appreciation Month, is a special month for both those in and out of the military. ... Congress designated May as National Military Appreciation Month in 1999 to ensure the nation was given the chance to publicly show their appreciation for troops past and present.” National Military Appreciation Month (NMAM) is celebrated every May and is a declaration that encourages U.S. citizens to observe the month in a symbol of unity. NMAM honors current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces, including those who have died in the pursuit of freedom.” Hun there is literally a month for veterans-
Sam_F |
4 years ago by Sam_F
@Oreos_Yum they were just explaining their beliefs like you were explaining yours. I somewhat agree with you but there was no need to roll your eyes at them-
Deer-Teeth |
4 years ago by Deer-Teeth
@Oreos_Yum i will agree that is sometimes isn't a choice, but it has been for so long. all i did was answer your question, no need to get rude. you can do almost anything to get out of being drafted sweetheart especially now. it's always a choice to serve ❤️ you don't choose who you love
Oreos_Yum |
4 years ago by Oreos_Yum
@Deer-Teeth beautiful speech 🙄 i was just stating something i believe in. and also sometimes it isn’t a choice to be in the army so...
Deer-Teeth |
4 years ago by Deer-Teeth
@Oreos_Yum the military gets lots of appreciation and support, as well as memorials and honorable grave sights for those who have served, even if they are unidentifiable. Almost every day somewhere in the US people are "taking two minutes of silence for our fallen warriors" and the service goes appreciated everywhere you go. military people get discounts for their services, they get free college and support, the list goes on and on even if you have no action time. the LGBT+ fought to have this. to have them appreciated. the military fights for our country to keep our rights, but the LGBT+ had to fight for the rights we have now because no one wanted to give it to us. There are men and women who to this day are dispatched because they find out they're gay or are in a homoseual relationship, and that has been going on for centuries. just like there is a black history month, there is our month. you have your month too. LGBT+ people have lost their lives for being LGBT. beaten, whipped, stoned, just for loving someone. for being who they are, something they have no control over. We have lost people in our community because they fought against discrimination in this country. There are still countries out there where you will be killed if you kiss someone of the same sex. joining the military is a choice, being LGBT+ is not |
arts_milia |
4 years ago by arts_milia
TK1345 |
4 years ago by TK1345
@AntiVaxMom no a women and a women can love each other and a man and a man can love each other