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halokiwi |
2 weeks, 3 days ago by halokiwi
@greekfreak I added a variation for you. I hope it is useful.
halokiwi |
2 weeks, 4 days ago by halokiwi
@greekfreak can you describe how it is not working in case it is a bug?
greekfreak |
2 weeks, 4 days ago by greekfreak
I’m making a wolf one with this pattern! I wanted to add a variation but my braceletbook doesn’t work ✨
Lupa |
1 month ago by Lupa
@Usa90 hehe thank u very much and your finished fox looks great 👍
Usa90 |
1 month ago by Usa90
@halokiwi @unique_ly @PepsiPeps @Lupa Thank you all for your support. It really help me! @Lupa your trick is good. I'll use that next time! 😉
unique_ly |
1 month, 2 weeks ago by unique_ly
@Usa90 I made sure my knots at the right edge were loose enough so that I could push them down so that it went straight, and not slanted upwards.
PepsiPeps |
1 month, 2 weeks ago by PepsiPeps
@Usa90 It's a bit difficult to explain in a text post. What I did was tie the knotting thread along the bundle of base strings. Tie first loop around the bundle, separate away one base thread, then finished the knot. Do the same in reverse when bringing the base threads back in. Keep counting the knots you need to do since it's easy to lose track, you can see how I messed up in some places on mine.
Lupa |
1 month, 2 weeks ago by Lupa
@Usa90 In my case, I used a trick. My base strings have the same color like the ears of the fox. On this point of the pattern I shaped my base strings.
halokiwi |
1 month, 2 weeks ago by halokiwi
@Usa90 I'm also unsure how to skip so many strings but maybe one of the people who already did it can tell you (@unique_ly @PepsiPeps @Mantis47 @Lupa)
Usa90 |
1 month, 2 weeks ago by Usa90
@halokiwi I'm knotting this pattern but I'm stuck at the line n°58. No tutorial can help me knotting this line. How do knot it?