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pulserasAG |
2 months, 4 weeks ago by pulserasAG
@carlamoen yes!! it looks so good 😍
carlamoen |
2 months, 4 weeks ago by carlamoen
@pulserasAG thank you so much! Came out much better than I thought it was ❤️
pulserasAG |
2 months, 4 weeks ago by pulserasAG
@carlamoen your first alpha looks so cute and great!!
ktzawislak |
3 months ago by ktzawislak
I love the idea of the advent calendar. I’ve only done a couple alphas. I think this way (only 3 rows per day) might make it less intimidating to me
knots10 |
3 months ago by knots10
I really want to make this as an actual advent thing, as in making only three rows a day, but I feel like I would either get carried away and make 10+ rows before remembering I was only supposed to do three, or completely forget for like, a week 🤣
scarecrow |
3 months, 1 week ago by scarecrow
@halokiwi Okay. Thanks!
halokiwi |
3 months, 1 week ago by halokiwi
@scarecrow shortening the pattern for the challenge is totally fine. What matters is that the item you make is finished.
scarecrow |
3 months, 1 week ago by scarecrow
Hi. This is from the Advent Calendar Challenge's perspective. I understand that the pattern needs to be finished. However, I have a question. If, for instance, I make this pattern from row 13 to row 63, would it still be counted as a completed pattern? Thanks.
halokiwi |
3 months, 1 week ago by halokiwi
@carlamoen it wasn't dumb at all. I see this question almost daily.
carlamoen |
3 months, 1 week ago by carlamoen
@halokiwi ohhh ignore my dumb comment than 😂 sorry