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CycyTokki |
3 weeks, 2 days ago by CycyTokki
I'm making a cross-stitch canva with your design to give to a friend to celebrate the purchase of her house, I can't wait for you to post the latest book! 🥹 your pattern are very beautiful 🩷
hmdm01 |
4 months, 2 weeks ago by hmdm01
@jegulus hey! Thank u so much for commenting and reaching out! Honestly life has been a little chaotic recently so I have not worked on the 7th book in a while, I do have it started tho at least! I think it is fantastic your crocheting a blanket and I’m honored u used my patterns to make it! How soon would u need me to have the 7th book pattern done by? I don’t want I hold u up on finishing ur blanket so if u have an rough estimate on when u think u might get to that part of ur blanket I can maybe try to have it done by then if possible! Just feel free to let me know and if u feel comfortable enough to share pictures of ur blanket on these patterns I would absolutely love to see them! ❤️
jegulus |
4 months, 3 weeks ago by jegulus
hey it seems like you haven’t been active in a while, i was wondering if you ever made the 7th book? i’m crocheting a blanket right now and using your patterns which are AMAZING by the way. i don’t even know if you’re still on this platform, but i thought id give it a shot. 😊