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Udidthat |
1ย year, 1ย month ago by Udidthat
OK so this one time i was on a rowing team. it was super fun. I hadnt been a sports team in several years. so it was super refreshing to have that sort of community. We would go rowing early every morning before school. again after school. You know, the usual! One thing i did not expect was to be violently attacked and chased down on the river by a HUMONGOUS SWAN. I was rowing for my life. My life was flashing before my eyes. I didnt get to say goodbye or i love you one last time to my family. I was in the middle of an argument with my sister.We were deep in the whole silent treatment thing. Because she STOLE MY GUM. its MY gum. NOT HER GUM!!!!! Anyway, i was fighting, rowing, my arms burning. I wasnt going to make it. that swan was going to murder me on the river in my boat. My family still taunts me with swan gag gifts. They dont know i cry in my room after i recieve these gifts every year. I could have. DIED. Anyway, obviously i lived. Because here i am telling you about this. Baring my soul to you on bracelet website. Who knew a pattern could evoke so much emotion in me. Beautifully done. I also havent spoken to my sister in 3 years. Thats what she gets for stealing MY gum. Hold on to grudges my dudes, but beware its only worth if you survive the swan attack.