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Udidthat |
1ย year, 1ย month ago by Udidthat
PSA uh so i kind of wasted my time making this. Beacuase ends up it actually IS NOT a valid metro card and they dont accept it. SOooo im kind of screwed because i got caught jumping the turnstile in frustration of my newly crafted card not working. And i tried showing it to them. To like prove that I have a card. and its just not working. But now im like in the back of the cop car. and theyre saying like 10,000 dollar fine. USD. like bro im from canada. I DONT HAVE THAT USD MONEY CHA-CHING you understand me?!?! So please send your thoughts and prayers. Bc dang NYC about to lock. me. up. Youve been warned. BLESS