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MochiKitty |
1 year, 4 months ago by MochiKitty
@belladog07 Can't wait to see it! 👍
belladog07 |
1 year, 4 months ago by belladog07
@MochiKitty ok thanks so much, I’m starting now. it’s for my friends birthday and I’m giving it to him tomorrow so I’ll keep you updated
MochiKitty |
1 year, 4 months ago by MochiKitty
@belladog07 It depends... It took me 2 days to make this, but I also have other things I do throughout the day. I also use a different knotting technique, but it doesn't take too much time! 😊
belladog07 |
1 year, 4 months ago by belladog07
@MochiKitty how long did this pattern take you? Do you think I can finish it in 7 hours?
MochiKitty |
1 year, 4 months ago by MochiKitty
@laurenis22 Hi there! For the bottom, you start out by dividing the base strings into groups of 4. Then you grab the 1st group and using 1 string from the left and right, make a square knot over the two in the center. You would do this for all the groups until you've completed 1 row. on the second row, separate two strings from the far left and right, and continue to do square knots with the other strings in the middle, and this should start to form the triangle. ( I learned this from a video @Margaron made on #21865. For any pattern that doesn't have base strings equally divisible by 4, take 3 strings on the left, and tie the two strings onto the 1 in the middle, and repeat this for the right side (For the 1st row only)). I hope this explanation was helpful! 😊
laurenis22 |
1 year, 4 months ago by laurenis22
@MochiKitty what did you do for the bottom?
MochiKitty |
1 year, 4 months ago by MochiKitty
@KC748 Thank you! 🙂 Its a nice pattern, it looks like a photograph! ❤️
KC748 |
1 year, 4 months ago by KC748
@MochiKitty that looks so good!!! It looks so neat and you did it so fast! 🩵
18390648 |
1 year, 4 months ago by 18390648
@Averypuff yea probably. I don’t do cross stitch but am pretty sure like for bracelets cross stitch can technically be made with any pixel picture
Averypuff |
1 year, 4 months ago by Averypuff
Can this be used as a cross stitch?