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ram_17 |
1 year, 8 months ago by ram_17
@just_for_u Of course, I feel like tension is what gets me most. That will be so cool, I think if you fine tune your pattern, it will look good. Good luck! 😊
just_for_u |
1 year, 8 months ago by just_for_u
@ram_17 thanks for the advice! I want to do a portrait of my nephew but I'm so nervous that the colors will be too similar and all but hopefully I'll be able to do it! I often have some difficulty with maintaining the same tension throughout so thanks for the reminder 😊
ram_17 |
1 year, 8 months ago by ram_17
@just_for_u Thank you so much. Oh I definitely think it was worth it lol, one of my favorite things about making these is seeing it all come together, and seeing how good it looks after all the hardwork. I have done two huge ones now, and each time I loved how they turned out. I think you should go for it! A couple things that I think helped them turn out so good, was keeping the same, even tension all the way through, and just kind of adjusting the edges as I go. And even doing that there was adjustments to make after I finished, to kinda straighten out the edges. But I think if your at all interested in trying a huge one, do it. 👍😊👍 ❤️
just_for_u |
1 year, 8 months ago by just_for_u
@ram_17 Wow!! It came out so neat and perfect!!! It looks printed! It looks incredible!! Do you feel it was it worth the hard work? (It sure looks it!!!!) I'm thinking of starting a huge one but I have my doubts...
ram_17 |
1 year, 10 months ago by ram_17
@KnotAdict Thank you
KnotAdict |
1 year, 10 months ago by KnotAdict
Wooooow @ram_17 that's great!!! ✨✨✨.
ram_17 |
1 year, 10 months ago by ram_17
@ajwuai I think about a month.
ajwuai |
1 year, 10 months ago by ajwuai
@ram_17 how long did it take?
ram_17 |
1 year, 10 months ago by ram_17
@leighsun Thank you 😊 It was a bit daunting but turned out pretty good.
leighsun |
1 year, 10 months ago by leighsun
@ram_17 that is awesome!