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angelgirl0 |
10 months, 3 weeks ago by angelgirl0
this pattern is so pretty ,, im sorry people confuse it w/ a hate symbol ❤️
Ana12bela |
2 years, 2 months ago by Ana12bela
Ça n'en reste pas moins la croix nazi et cette image m'a choqué. Sur le moment, jai hésité à envoyer un message aux moderateurs. Et puis j'ai lu vos messages ( paris et cro_meg 27). Je ne savais pas . Je peux comprendre vos points de vue mais touchée de près par cette terrible horreur qu'a été la Shoah avec ses 6 millions de morts ( certainement plus) , je vois forcément les choses différemment. ... cette croix est encore aujourd'hui le drapeau des antisémites du monde entier.... terrible dérive.... Désolée, j écris trop sur ce sujet mais c'est sujet qui me tient à cœur . Paix en ce monde et bonheur dans tous les cœurs quelques soient notre appartenance religieuse, notre couleur de peau, nos origines, nos idées.... |
parisha |
2 years, 7 months ago by parisha
this is a swastika sign, in which “swasth” means “good well being” in sanskrit language. it is an ancient symbol in India which has been a part of our scriptures and vedas since a very long time after which, nazi part of germany corrupted its meaning by using it as a symbol of hatred during ww2. this pattern might be misinterpreted due to this reason but as the keywords suggest, it is an auspicious sign which is used in our country on numerous festive and welcoming occasions such as diwali in the form of flowers and turmeric to create a positive balance.please know that this in any way is not related to nazi ideology. 🙏🏼
parisha |
2 years, 7 months ago by parisha
@cro_meg27 appreciate your comment 🤝
cro_meg27 |
2 years, 7 months ago by cro_meg27
@EvFan101 I completely understand your point of view, however I also think that in the same line of reasoning we should be supportive of all religious perspectives. This is a Diwali (Hindu) pattern. Diwali is the celebration of light and is a family holiday kinda like Christmas and Hanukkah. So rather than banning the pattern I think it should be allowed to stay as it takes back to power of this ancient symbol from those who corrupted it. And with your comment and mine opening discussion and acknowledging both the original meaning and the corruption of those who turned it into something evil.