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J3ssica |
8 months, 3 weeks ago by J3ssica
@dracula ty so much! It's so appreciated!
dracula |
8 months, 3 weeks ago by dracula
@J3ssica Thanks for understanding! I should post the pattern today, it's almost done 😊
J3ssica |
8 months, 4 weeks ago by J3ssica
@dracula don't be sorry. I understand n I really appreciate the help. I just was hoping to present the finished product to my father in law on Father's Day. No biggie.
dracula |
8 months, 4 weeks ago by dracula
@J3ssica sorry, I've really busy! I just need to find the photo I used for this pattern, so it might take a while. sorry!
J3ssica |
8 months, 4 weeks ago by J3ssica
@dracula any luck?
J3ssica |
9 months ago by J3ssica
@dracula th so much! My father in law is an awesome guy n I hate seeing him hurting. He lost his best friend. One of them anyway. They have a dodson that's his shadow. Lol
dracula |
9 months ago by dracula
@J3ssica Alright, I'll definitely try!
J3ssica |
9 months ago by J3ssica
@dracula ty my in laws used to have a whole chihuahua family and Moose was the last one left. He was almost 18 years old. And... Not sure how small u can go n still make out the features. 40 - 45 base by 45 - 50 rows is small enough. I suppose
dracula |
9 months ago by dracula
@J3ssica I'm so sorry to hear that! I would can try to make a smaller version, how small do you want it to be?
J3ssica |
9 months ago by J3ssica
A pattern like this just a little smaller would mean the world to me right now. My in laws dog just passed away a few weeks ago and my father in law is heartbroken and I want to surprise with something that looks like the dog for Father's Day.