@caitlin8 It depends on your knotting and the strings you use. If you made an alpha bracelet before and you have it on hand, you can measure how long it is based on your knot tension. For example, my sunflower cow bracelet is around 80 rows in lenght and it measures 13,5 cm (5,3 in). I use embroidery floss. This wallhanging is around the same lenght, so the absolute lenght dimension for me should be also around that number, if i dont change my knot tension that much. Given these circumstances, I know i need 15ish cm (6ish in) for the picture itself, some room for the dowel knot, some lenght for grip when knotting and a little bit of string for whatever ending i use (I usually do little tassels). I would, in my case, cut the strings to be around 60 cm (24 in) and then halve them to end up with 2 strings of 30 cm (12 in). I need to note tho, that I produce strong knots that almost dont stretch and i dont need that much of a grip. I usually end up with like 5-8 cm (2-3 in) of leftower string this way. But generally, figuring out how long is a similar piece of yours and then doubling that number should be enough string ❤️ I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions 😊