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hayrenryzm |
3 years ago by hayrenryzm
@rollergirl awww thanks that means a lot to me 😊
rollergirl |
3 years ago by rollergirl
👍 also the pattern is very neat and nice it looks great!
hayrenryzm |
3 years ago by hayrenryzm
@M_knots08 @rollergirl ofc! glad you were able to understand it ((:
rollergirl |
3 years ago by rollergirl
@heyrenryzm thanks for the info! That’s helpful! I was really confused. 🙃
M_knots08 |
3 years ago by M_knots08
@hayrenryzm Thank you so much! That makes perfect since now. 🙂
hayrenryzm |
3 years ago by hayrenryzm
@sagesnekz ofc ((:
sagesnekz |
3 years ago by sagesnekz
oops- @hayrenryzm
sagesnekz |
3 years ago by sagesnekz
#hayrenryzm thanks thats very helpful <3
hayrenryzm |
3 years ago by hayrenryzm
@M_knots08 @mittins glad you two asked (:You're correct it is a set of gender neutral pronouns called _neopronouns_, you don't typically find them in dictionaries because they are rather new. They are, however, used just like normal pronouns! Some people prefer them common pronouns and they are all valid 😊. For example xe/xir is a set used like: - Xe is very nice. - I asked xir if I can borrow xir pencil. - Xe told me that the house is xirs. - Xe said xe would rather do it xirself. For some examples I'd recommend you look at this really nice website called Pronouns.page! You can find my profile as @_hayrenryzm. I hope that helps, and if you have any questions feel free to ask, I'd love to answer (: |
mittins |
3 years ago by mittins
@M_knots08 I agree it’s a very confusing pattern