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Genki |
2 years ago by Genki
@hlc I totally get that, yeah! I use Deaf usually and HH if I'm discussing my actual level of hearing loss. It's all personal preference and what we find fits us best 😊
hlc |
2 years ago by hlc
@Genki Oops lol
hlc |
2 years ago by hlc
Thanks I'm deaf and HoH, not Deaf/HH. I find using both terms helps people understand that I can hear, but barely lol
Genki |
2 years ago by Genki
@hlc HH usually used by those of us who are D but prefer to use hard of hearing, it's more of a sign difference than an english difference. We use the sign for HH instead of the one for HoH. You could consider it culturally deaf hard of hearing, I suppose.
hlc |
2 years ago by hlc
@Genki I know the difference between d/Deaf, but what's the difference between HH and HoH?
freezetta |
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
i am deaf and i want to make this. funny thing is i have a speech impediment so when i tell people i’m deaf it sometimes sounds like i’m saying I am Death 😂
meowz |
3 years, 5 months ago by meowz
@Genki thank you so much! im sorry i didnt know they were different. my grandma is deaf and i didnt see any deaf related patterns so i made one! ill look up the difference ❤️
Genki |
3 years, 5 months ago by Genki
Oh!! Yes! I love this, I am Deaf and i am making this immediately. I wonder if mods would allow you to submit one with a capital D and a HH one since deaf, Deaf, and HH or HoH are all different.