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2-10 characters containing letters, digits and _- only.
Enter the same password as before, for verification.

Benefits of registration

1. Your personal To-do list in which you can store your favourite patterns for later.

2. Your own public Profile which will contain all your creations on BraceletBook, and also your personal info if you'd like. You can use it to share your content with your friends easily.

3. You will be able to Create stunning vector-based alpha and normal patterns, and share it with our community.

4. With our Tools, it's never been easier to create patterns basically from anything you have. You can either use a classic approach to specify the knots of patterns manually, or you can use our generator tools to help you on your way. For example, you can Draw patterns by your hand, or create patterns from Fonts and Images.

5. Post Photos and Videos of your creations to share them with our huge community.

6. Need help? No problem, our users will be happy to help you with any problems you encounter in no time in the Chat, Forum, or even via direct Messages.

Everything is 100% free, and many more features are currently in development :)