PCET Round 1!
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 5 days ago by superme123
Please, only comment if you are tagged.@pulserasAG @unique_ly @goodwinmom @nicepants @Raynebow8 @Aspen18 @SORGINKATU @Yelena09 @hubrichtii @dorywulan @account482 @J3ssica @ElinBeck22 @BlueCat123 @chanmar Welcome to the Pattern Creator Elimination Tournament(PCET for short)! For the first round, our creator will be @KrazyKnotz, creator of more than 20000(!) patterns, who practically runs Braceletbook. This round will be easy since there are so many patterns to choose from. The main criteria will be: - creative colour scheme - starts and ends - pattern choice - don't choose the most popular pattern - the photography - edges - thick(having many strings) patterns > thin patterns Rules: - Please add the name of the challenge to the photo(If you are unable to or forget, it's fine). - You may combine it with other challenges. - Two or more people cannot make the same pattern in one round. - Please comment when your photo is accepted (not submitted). Prizes! (This applies to the whole challenge) r=rating, v=variation, c=comment, fr=friend request 1: I'll make 3 of your patterns or your patterns of choice, 2 mentions of your pattern in the forum, chat, or comments, a shoutout in my bio, 50r, 12v, 12c, fr 2: I'll make 2 of your patterns or your patterns of choice, 1 mention of your pattern in the forum, chat, or comments, 45r, 10v, 10c, fr 3: I'll make 1 of your patterns or your patterns of choice, 40r, 10v, 10c, fr 4: 35r, 10v, 10c, fr 5: 32r, 9v, 9c, fr 6: 30r, 8v, 8c, fr 7: 28r, 7v, 7c, fr 8: 25r, 6v, 6c, fr 9: 22r, 5v, 5c, fr 10: 20r, 4v, 4c, fr 11: 18r, 3v, 3c, fr 12: 15r, 2v, 2c, fr 13: 12r, 1v, 1c, fr 14: 10r, 1v, fr 15: 10r, fr This round will last 3 weeks. The deadline is Feb. 26, but I will allow up to a week in extensions if necessary. As the rounds progress, there will be less and less time. I can't wait to see your creations! |
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 5 days ago by superme123
@madlah will you take me up on my offer?
3 weeks, 5 days ago by madlah
ok 😊
3 weeks, 5 days ago by Aspen18
Yay! I'll be doing #140943
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 5 days ago by pulserasAG
Yay!!!! I'm making #180699!!!
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 5 days ago by Yelena09
I’ll make #151192 (:
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 5 days ago by J3ssica
#23286 😻
3 weeks, 5 days ago by dorywulan
I'll make #111255 🤍
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 5 days ago by BlueCat123
#140056 can I do this one? (believe it or not this is the first I ever saw on bracelet before I even joined)
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 5 days ago by hubrichtii
I'm making #174223 🙂
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 5 days ago by unique_ly
im making #182736
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by superme123
@pulserasAG@unique_ly @Aspen18 @Yelena09 @hubrichtii @dorywulan @account482 @J3ssica @BlueCat123 All amazing! I can't wait to see your bracelets! |
3 weeks, 4 days ago by SORGINKATU
I'll make #167019
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by BlueCat123
Suggestion for the next round I found that user Odanak1811 has a ton of patterns so maybe we could do them for the next round I don’t know it’s just a suggestion
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by BlueCat123
loopycat also has a ton of patterns as well!!!
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by Yelena09
@BlueCat123 I love Odank1811's patterns they all look so unique
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by J3ssica
So.... I ran my pattern TWICE! I hope that is ok. I had SO much fun with it! 😻
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by superme123
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by superme123
@BlueCat123 Yes odanak and loopycat will be part of the challenge. I have all the rounds planned out already.
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by superme123
@J3ssica what do you mean that you ran your pattern?