Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by violasrule
Hey, I'm so sorry but I will unfortunately have to drop out of this challenge 🙁 school has been way too busy for me. Best of luck to everyone else! ❤️
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by katdog1210
I changed my pfp!
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by katdog1210
i decided to make this months symbol an acorn🐿️🍂
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by BabyWren12
@violasrule are you sure? you could skip this months comp and rejoin later, and write down ur past emotions so when u have a break u could catch-up. if u don't wanna do that its ok, ik school has been way more then expected for me too
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by BabyWren12
@katdog1210 THANKS!
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by BabyWren12
@PurpleRed @Sophia_06 Hi! Whats going on? Please read the first thing in this thread and act accordingly. I don't want u two to miss out but its not fair to he others to wait so long
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by Sophia_06
Hey, I can change it tomorrow, the problem though it's only the fourth week of school for me, and that would mean for now I only have 7 rows of color (two colors a week). I'm not quiet sure that's quite enough. And you're right it's not fair to the others, I'm sorry. I'll change it as soon as possible.
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by Sophia_06
Nvm, I can't find it, it's possible I lost it while traveling. I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna drop out of this. I'm really sorry🙁
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by BabyWren12
@Sophia_06 ok that's fine
Bracelet King
5 months ago by BabyWren12
@Arkengheis @str6yk1ds @martha9999 @Fox-Kenma @katdog1210Hi guys! I've been super busy but I finally got around to doing the awards! Also at the bottom of this reply there's some really important info I have to share. Neatest Knots: @katdog1210 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best Color Scheme: @Arkengheis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most Boring Month: @str6yk1ds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst Month: @martha9999 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most Exciting Month: @Fox-Kenma !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all did great! Unfortunately, I've made the hard decision to end this challenge. There will be no more check-ins. Why, you may ask. Well when I started this challenge I got 11 people who joined, and all but you 5 have had to leave. I'm not mad at the people who had to leave, sometimes life is busier then expected, but it means that this challenge isn't going to be able to go on the way I intended, after all, there are 5 monthly awards, and now 5 of you, so that pretty much destroys the whole point of it being a challenge. And I'm not sure about how I would choose which awards to get rid of and how many to keep and all that, and I've been super busy recently. So unfortunately this challenge is over. If one of you would like to takeover you would have my blessing and I would give u the info about everyone's colors and stuff. But I can't do this, so thank you all SO MUCH for joining, please have a good day. |
Bracelet King
5 months ago by martha9999
No!!!! I've had so much fun doing this. 😢 I'll still do the pouch bc it's been a good habit for me. I'm so sad!
Bracelet King
5 months ago by Arkengheis
Ah too bad, but I get it. I'll still try to keep up with it during the year and I'll let you know how it goes !