🔶🔶🔸🔸🔶🔶🔸🔸🔶🔶 [OFFICIAL] Aug 2024 Bi-Weekly Challenge, Weeks 3 & 4 🔶🔶🔸🔸🔶🔶🔸🔸🔶🔶
Super Moderator
6 months, 3 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
[OFFICIAL] Aug 2024 Bi-Weekly Challenge, Weeks 3 & 4I'm really excited to post our bi-weekly challenge! -For completing this challenge and receiving a reward you need to submit a photo of a *finished* bracelet/keychain/creation --->*finished* means that your creation is completed and it is obvious that no more work needs to be done with finished endings -You will get 1 reward for each creation you make of this week's challenge patterns (So if you make 3 challenge bracelets/keychains/creations, you will receive 3 rewards.) -You are also free to use any colors of your choosing -Don't forget to add the word "challenge" in the photo! -You can submit a maximum of 10 bracelets/keychains for the same pattern -Bracelets, keychains, cross stitch, crochet and other types of creations are accepted as long as it is identifiable to the pattern you are submitting to, finished, and handmade by you *REWARDS are the little number next to your avatar on your profile. **This challenge is open to anyone and everyone! No need to ask to join** - - - - - The [OFFICIAL] Aug 2024 Bi-Weekly Challenge, Weeks 3 & 4 Alpha patterns: #173530 (12 base strings) #174122 (13 base strings) #173597 (16 base strings) #173842 (15 base strings) #173966 (18 base strings) #173602 (19 base strings) #174161 (22 base strings) Normal patterns: #174192 (12 strings) #174013 (12 strings) #173805 (14 strings) #108641 (16 strings) #109956 (16 strings) #27317 (18 strings) #769 (20 strings) Shaped patterns: #174067 (6 strings) #173976 (12 strings) #173986 (38 strings) (each half is 1 reward) - - - - - **This challenge ends on the evening of Sunday, Sep 1st** If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to post them here! **This challenge is open to anyone and everyone! No need to ask to join** Have fun! 😊 @KrazyKnotz & the BraceletBook team |
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by SShkz1380
Can I join for #173966
Super Moderator
6 months, 3 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
@SShkz1380 Yes! No need to ask to join. Anyone and everyone can join! 😊
6 months, 3 weeks ago by Scarret
Is it ok to use variations instead of original bracelet colours?
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by Sarirou
I'll join with #173597. It's gonna be so fun to make 🙂 !!!
Super Moderator
6 months, 3 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
@Scarret You can use any colors you want. 😊
6 months, 3 weeks ago by Nerhyleia
Hola! Que alegría! Voy a estar esperando ver sus fotos!! Yo no tengo tiempo para hacerlo! 🥹
6 months, 3 weeks ago by Nerhyleia
Quise decir, no tengo tiempo para hacer pulseras ni llaveros 😒
6 months, 3 weeks ago by str6yk1ds
@KrazyKnotz do I just put the word “challenge” in the picture or do I have to write the challenge name?
Super Moderator
6 months, 3 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
@str6yk1ds You only need to put 'challenge', but you are welcome to put thee whole challenge name if you want. 😊
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by Arkengheis
Hi 🙂 I didn't get the reward for my photo on #173842 :/
Super Moderator
6 months, 2 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
@Arkengheis If you didn't get a reward, you just need to message the moderator who accepted your photo and kindly remind them. 🙂
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by Sarirou
@KrazyKnotz I submitted my photo #173597 🙂
Super Moderator
6 months, 2 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
@Sarirou It is stunning! 😍
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by Sarirou
@KrazyKnotz Tysm !!! This makes my day 😊🤭
6 months, 1 week ago by Fox-Kenma
I just made #173842! Waiting for it to be accepted now! My new pack of sunset color threads was perfect for this!
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by Smileguys
hi! can i join with pattern #43458?
Super Moderator
6 months, 1 week ago by KrazyKnotz
@Smileguys Sorry, but you can only use the patterns listed in the first post. #43458 is not a listed pattern.