➡️⬅️ Pattern Combos Challenge ➡️⬅️
Bracelet King
8 months ago by ningc98
Hey there! Thanks for checking out this challenge! In this challenge, you will find 2 or more patterns and find a way to combine them! This will be a whoever wants to join can join challenge, and there will be only one round. This is just a smaller challenge I’m hosting to take a break from the bigger multi-round challenges I’ve hosted in the past 😁. 🗓️ DEADLINE: The deadline is August 8th for all patterns. Any patterns submitted after that will not count. Results will be announced sometime on August 9th. 🫵 WHAT YOU DO: → 🪢 Pick a couple of patterns. → 🖌️ Create a new pattern based on the patterns you chose. Make sure you credit the original patterns in the comments section of your new pattern! → 📝 Tell me the pattern number of the pattern you made in the forum. → 🖼️ Knot your new pattern! No cross-stitching, perler beads, crocheting, etc. → 📸 Submit a pic and let me know in the forum topic. ℹ️ EXTRA INFO: → You can make and submit as many patterns and pics as you want. → If you make more than 1 pattern and pic, I’ll add an extra 5 points per extra pattern+pic. 🏆 WINNING: 🥇: 5 stars on 10 patterns + shoutout in bio 🥈: 5 stars on 5 patterns + shoutout in bio 🥉: 5 stars on 2 patterns + shoutout in bio 💯 SCORING: __/3 neatness—straight edges, knots evenness __/3 pattern—does it fit the theme __/5 creativity—starts & ends, color combos __/3 photo—quality, background, challenge name in photo __/1 deadline mindfulness—keeping deadline in mind, not needing extension The max is 15 points per pattern. All participants will receive a friend request, unless we’re already friends 😊! If you would like to sign up, message below telling me you want to sign up and what patterns you’ll be combining! When you finish making the new pattern, tell me what pattern number the new pattern is. Then let me know when the pic is submitted to your pattern! Thanks for checking out this challenge! Happy knotting! Shoutout to @amandal1 for the original challenge idea! |
Bracelet King
8 months ago by Arkengheis
Hi ! I found this super interesting 😄 It gave me the idea to try to combine #92476 with the technique of #59428, but with 3 parts making a braid, and in each separate part do something like #722 but with 3 background colors and 1 main color. Not sure if that's clear haha. I've made the pattern but i want to try to knot it to find the right length for the separated part
Bracelet King
8 months ago by ningc98
@Arkengheis Sure! I’d love to see how it turns out!
Bracelet King
8 months ago by ningc98
Bracelet King
8 months ago by Arkengheis
Hi! My pattern is up as #172257
Bracelet King
8 months ago by ningc98
@Arkengheis looks great!
Bracelet King
7 months, 4 weeks ago by Arkengheis
My photo is up !
Bracelet King
7 months, 4 weeks ago by ningc98
@Arkengheis looks great!
7 months, 3 weeks ago by brookef011
This challenge is super cool! I am going to combine the patterns #36973 and #135538! I just created the pattern I will let you know once it gets accepted!
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
@brookeef011 sure!
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
@brookef011 ⬆️
7 months, 3 weeks ago by brookef011
It just got accepted!
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
@brookef011 👍👍👍
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by ningc98
@Arkengheis I think I’m just going to end this challenge since no one wants to join and declare you the winner.
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Arkengheis
Aw thank you! It was super interesting especially since it was my first pattern hahaI think most people just don't like to make their own patterns much, or don't understand how to, which is a shame :/ |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by ningc98
@Arkengheis Yeah 🙁 but anyways congrats! I already 5 starred your patterns and put you in my bio