❓❓❓ RanDoM CHalLeNgE❓❓❓ page 5
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Fizzah
That ended up being too long 😅
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by J3ssica
@Fizzah AW! Lily had three kittens that are named Squeaky, Marley, n Ash. They turn two next week and I can hardly believe it. And... A kitten showed up here on the first. She looks a lot like Squeaky and Lily. Her name is Ava which means birdlike. Ava loves climbing trees and chasing butterflies. Lol She's not aloud outside without supervision no more though. Both her and Squeaky are currently in heat n driving us all crazy 🤣. They have an appointment to get spayed on the 14th and also have become friends and play nice together. My kittens baby daddy also lives outside and we care best we can for him. His name is Maurice and I think he's an old barn cat. He's a black cat with a lot of brown in his fur and he blind in one eye and our other barn cat, I named her Percy. She has a messed up tail n my inlaws orange cat Adrian makes 8. Lol I love them very much.
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Fizzah
@J3ssica that's too cute!!
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by martha9999
@maxbracelet you should join! I've done a lot of challenges and didn't place cause I'm not very good, but I still enjoyed them!
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by martha9999
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by martha9999
@Fizzah @J3ssica I had to part with so many kitties because we had thirteen cats and my parents didn't like it even though they were outside cats. We have five now and their names are Holstein (she's black and white) Junior (orange tabby) Patches (calico) Mitten (tortoise shell with white paw) and Ruth (also tortoiseshell but with out the white paw.
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by J3ssica
@martha9999 Ash is a grey long haired cutie. Marley is a blue crosseyed white Siamese and Squeaky and Ava r Tabbies like Lily. Maurice is a black cat with a tuft of white on his chest and lots of brown in his fur and Adrian is an orange tabby and Percy... No clue but she is very pretty. Lol I love them all so much n can't wait to make some epic cat patterns. Lol
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by martha9999
Hey!!!! These are the results of the challenge. DRUMROLL PLEASE!!! babababababananananananananan

in first place.....

@J3ssica ! I love the brightness of the keychain and it looks so. Perfect. High five!!🙌

In second place is.....

@Fizzah ! I may be slightly biased bc of the cat in the pic... But WOW you made two of them???? Both looked a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

In third place is........

@alisss ! Your whale was adorable! I loved everything about it!

@anna99 thank you for your beautiful wave! It was so pretty. 🥰

@pal563701 @Raynebow8 @cavapoo2 @baddiefr @pariya-a-f @maxbraclet thanks for joining buttttttttt the challenge is over! Thank you!!!
7 months, 1 week ago by alisss
wow, thank you really much!!! ❤️
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by J3ssica
Omfg! I won?! Yay 😁 I absolutely enjoyed this challenge. I love the pattern I chose n how my keychain came out. It's definitely one of my best.
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Fizzah
Yay! Thank you! I loved participating in this challenge ❤️