🔸🔸🔶🔶🔸🔸🔶🔶 [OFFICIAL] June 2024 Bi-Weekly Challenge, Weeks 2 & 3 🔶🔶🔸🔸🔶🔶🔸🔸
Super Moderator
9 months ago by KrazyKnotz
[OFFICIAL] June 2024 Bi-Weekly Challenge, Weeks 2 & 3I'm really excited to post our bi-weekly challenge! -For completing this challenge and receiving a reward you need to submit a photo of a *finished* bracelet/keychain/creation --->*finished* means that your creation is completed and it is obvious that no more work needs to be done with finished endings -You will get 1 reward for each creation you make of this week's challenge patterns (So if you make 3 challenge bracelets/keychains/creations, you will receive 3 rewards.) -You are also free to use any colors of your choosing -Don't forget to add the word "challenge" in the photo! -You can submit a maximum of 10 bracelets/keychains for the same pattern -Bracelets, keychains, cross stitch, crochet and other types of creations are accepted as long as it is identifiable to the pattern you are submitting to, finished, and handmade by you *REWARDS are the little number next to your avatar on your profile. **This challenge is open to anyone and everyone! No need to ask to join** - - - - - The [OFFICIAL] June 2024 Bi-Weekly Challenge, Weeks 2 & 3 Alpha patterns: #72182 (12 base strings) #170134 (13 base strings) #29238 (14 base strings) #46659 (15 base strings) #170502 (16 base strings) #150839 (24 base strings) #109944 (27 base strings) Normal patterns: #48373 (12 strings) #50865 (12 strings) #97111 (14 strings) #80705 (16 strings) #82165 (16 strings) #103684 (18 strings) #104412 (18 strings) Shaped patterns: #170543 (8 strings) #170487 (16 strings) #167188 (8 base strings) #162648 (12 base strings) - - - - - **This challenge ends on the evening of Sunday, June 23rd** If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to post them here! **This challenge is open to anyone and everyone! No need to ask to join** Have fun! 😊 @KrazyKnotz & the BraceletBook team |
Bracelet King
9 months ago by minutcraft
Ahhh! Thank you for picking #109944 for this challenge! I look forward to the submissions! 💕
Bracelet King
9 months ago by Raynebow8
Hello I've never joined an official challenge before so can someone explain how to join one?
Super Moderator
9 months ago by KrazyKnotz
@Raynebow8 You just submit a photo of a finished bracelet of the listed patterns in the first post. You get a reward when a moderator accepts your photo. Make sure to put 'challenge' somewhere in the photo. |
Bracelet King
9 months ago by Raynebow8
@KrazyKnotz Oh ok I'll do #72182.
Bracelet King
9 months ago by JaxomRuth
Thank you so much for organizing this challenge! As always, an exciting collection of patterns. I have a bit less time than usual to make bracelets right now but I have printed off several and am looking forward to making them!
Super Moderator
9 months ago by KrazyKnotz
8 months, 3 weeks ago by tmanuck
Bracelet King
8 months, 3 weeks ago by Cow28
I didn’t get a reward for submitting a photo of #170543 🤨
8 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
@Cow28 I recommend contacting the mod who accepted your photo, so you don't receive the same reward multiple times
Super Moderator
8 months, 3 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
Super Moderator
8 months, 3 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
Bracelet King
8 months, 2 weeks ago by JaxomRuth
OOOPS @KrazyKnotz I took a photo of my last bracelet for this challenge yesterday and just ... completely forgot to upload it! I did that just now, hopefully it can still count!
Super Moderator
8 months, 2 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
@JaxomRuth I'll accept it. 😊 Just try to remember for next time 😉
Bracelet King
8 months, 2 weeks ago by JaxomRuth
I will! My brain is just a little over-full this week, haha. Thank you!
Bracelet King
8 months, 2 weeks ago by fcb_neymar
Havent been on braceletbook in a while (uni has been hard so i dont have much time) but i was delighted to come back and see that my pattern is one of the chosen ones for the challenge! Thank you so much i feel honoured🥰❤️