SUMMER to-do tidy-up challenge <3 page 11
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by violasrule
@AlmaLlama Yes, absolutely! I understand completely lol <3
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by aayuraje
@violasrule I've finished two more bracelets! I'm up to 4/10 bracelets now.
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by aayuraje
Oops forgot to mention the patterns. #164718 and #2285
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by violasrule
@aayuraje both look absolutely fantastic!!! can't wait to see what you make next 🙂
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
@Cow28 @RyanMarieS @ningc98 @ElinBeck22 @EllaPatlo @717601 @-jericho @mcdragon @tkd2010 @BeomBeom @teaparty @luvmira @raya-b @angelxnaa @_katL @wenny @raynboots @mcdragon @Grenda @alisss @cutebeagle @Ace66669 @JBanana @sferguson @satatea @KLopez0217 @Beeskin @dracula @Stellknots @Swaggysof @4741119 @aubreeeyxo @CrazyHuman @CallieN @aayuraje @AlmaLlama @raindrops @Catherin36

Hey everyone!!! in going back through the many pages of this forum, i guess i never realized just how many people there were in this challenge...

so I went back and found everyone's goals and what everyone's at and put it on a google doc finally so that way I can keep better track!! Down below I have a list of all the users and how far along they are in their goal. If anyone's is not correct, then please let me know!! And this is also to serve as a reminder as there are a handful of people who either haven't submitted bracelets yet or haven't in a while (a note on this-- i did check the profiles of those who hadn't recorded how many they had on the forum yet, and updated those accordingly, however I did not check anyone who I knew from forum posts had at least one bracelet complete. this means that these may be inaccurate so please just let me know if it's incorrect). Just a reminder that this challenge ends on August 30th, which means you have about a month and a week left to complete all your bracelets!!! Without further ado, here is the list:
@Cow28 (30+/30)
@RyanMarieS (0/20) (please let me know if this is correct, in many of the photos on your profile I do see a "to-do cleanout" challenge listed but im not sure if it's this one, so please just let me know 😉)
@ningc98 (14/25)
@ElinBeck22 (5/25)
@EllaPatlo (1/?) (I couldn't find in the forum what your goal is, could you please let me know?)
@717601 (0/14)
@-jericho (13/25)
@mcdragon (2/15)
@tkd2010 (5/15)
@BeomBeom (9/20)
@teaparty (4/20)
@luvmira (1/20)
@raya-b (3/25)
@angelxnaa (0/20)
@_katL (3/6)
@wenny (0/25)
@raynboots (6/10)
@mcdragon (2/15)
@Grenda (23/25)
@alisss (21/30)
@cutebeagle (1/6)
@Ace66669 (1/30)
@JBanana (1/10)
@sferguson (9/15)
@satatea (8/10)
@KLopez0217 (1/10)
@Beeskin (0/25)
@dracula (1/20)
@Stellknots (0/5)
@Swaggysof (1/12)
@4741119 (12/15)
@aubreeeyxo (0/30)
@CrazyHuman (0/30)
@CallieN (0/30)
@aayuraje (4/10)
@AlmaLlama (1/30)
@raindrops (0/30)
@Catherin36 (0/10)

Again, please let me know if any of these numbers are wrong, as from here on out I will try to keep a much more organized document, as there are just so many people... and so many bracelets that are going to be created!! Just for fun I totaled up the sum of ALL of the goals and if everyone completes the number of bracelets they want to... you would have made 713 bracelets together, which is an absolutely amazing, amazingly HUGE, number... and out of those 713 bracelets you've already made 184???? that's an insane number. That number means that you're over a quarter of the way done!!! I know that this wasn't really a group challenge, more of an individual challenge, but it's so shocking to see just how many projects you have all already made, all of which are STUNNING, by the way... it's just insane. 184 to-dos down. Only 529 to go. I have no doubt that you can do it.
Keep knotting!! <3
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by 4741119
Hey um I only did 2... did u accidentally put a 1 in front of the 2?
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by 4741119
And if I did a pair of earrings would it count as 1 creation or 2?
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
@4741119 oh my gosh thank you so much for catching my mistake haha... I think when looking in your photos somehow my mind made a magical 1 pop in front of that 2. I'll change that right now! 🙂
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by 4741119
Of course!
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
@4741119 and I'd say that a pair of earrings would count as two, as you would make the pattern twice 😉
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by 4741119
Okay thanks! That photo will be accepted today! I am SOO happy with how these came out and I think you’ll really like them!
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
@4741119 Awesome!!! I am super excited to see them!!
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by dracula
It was accurate for me! But I'm visiting my cousins so I'm definitely slow right now 😂🙈
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
@dracula completely understandable lol, but fingers crossed for some time to make some bracelets!!
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by dracula
@violasrule Yeah! They also make bracelets though, but since we don't see them often we don't do much
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
@dracula makes sense, you'd much rather spend time with them than just sit around and make bracelets haha
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by dracula
@violasrule Butt it's also a fun group thing to do! Just not the most awesome when you see them once every two years 🤪
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
@dracula yeah, that is very true haha
7 months, 2 weeks ago by _katL
i just uploaded my photo for my 4/6 bracelets. i’m going to take a break for a bit because school just started for me, so i’m probably not going to be seen until august 😊
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by ningc98
sorry i haven’t updated in so long! i have 22/25 done: #163775