🌕 2024 Full Moon Challenge 🌻💐🌺Flower Moon🌺💐🌻 (MAY) 🌕 page 4
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by sophlove21
Pretty sure I have all the photos now! I'll post an updated list tomorrow, before I do the scoring. Thanks for your patience everyone!
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by sophlove21
Last call before judging for May! Here are all the accepted patterns I know of. DM me if you are missing! @AlmaLlama: #162369 @Duality222: #58520(x2) @FlowerB: #155405*, #165610* #141297*(x2) @J3ssica: #122230* @ jagajaga13: #21837*, #142718* @karalee98: #58520* @LittenGirl: #146168 @ningc98: #168147, #148194* @stefs_Stuf: #169412*(x2) @Unicorns4: #25378*, #166852* *: Bonus points (x2): x2 multiplier |
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by J3ssica
@sophlove21 not sure if it counts but I made #108143 for my mom for Mother's Day. It's a decent sized rose pattern. My mom hung it on her fridge. Lol smh I know that it doesn't have a moon but u said we did not need a moon in pattern last month... Just a flower. I'm sorry. I forgot all about it. Well kinda. I suppose, I didn't consider it counting for this challenge. Dunno y but it should. 🌹
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by J3ssica
@sophlove21 roses r very significant to me and my family. So... They definitely remind me of home. When I was very young, my dad used to grow red and yellow rose bushes along the side of our garage. I was pruning roses at six years old. Lol And.... Daddy would let me arrange whole bouquets for my mom and grandmas n aunts. My dad definitely passed down a love of flowers to me.
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by sophlove21
Okie dokie, scoring is officially over for May; if you are still working on something, please do not be discouraged! Just trying to keep things moving semi-smoothly. Drumroll… 🥁 🥇... Unicorns4! 🥈... FlowerB! 🥉... J3ssica! Thank you to everyone who participated this month! As usual, here are your warm fuzzies: @AlmaLlama: Your submission this month was super creative. Plus it was very impressive to see everything you had created for the “grow your own garden” challenge together. It’s cool to see what other challenges people are a part of! @Duality222: Great job this month! I was getting so excited to see your submission finished after I saw you working on it on Insta. Sunflowers are one of my favorites. @FlowerB: Outstanding collection of submissions as usual 🙂 My personal favorite was #141297, the colors are just so delicate and you nailed every part of the execution. @J3ssica: Way to go making it to the top three this month! The judging was super close - your creativity continues to be what makes your pieces so special 🙂 Can’t wait to see your strawberry moon submissions! @jagajaga13: I really loved both of your submissions this month, the patterns you picked were beautiful. You have been growing so much as an artist over the last few months! You were very close to the top three, I bet you will get there soon 🙂 @karalee98: So happy to have you back this month! Your submission this month was honestly one of the prettiest keychains I’ve seen :’) @LittenGirl: Your pattern choice this month was super creative, and you made it even more your own with the color choice! I love the texture and little details of your piece. Thanks for being part of the challenge! @ningc98: Both of your submissions were super cute! I especially liked #148194. I’m glad you were so excited to join the challenge this month, and hope to see you again later in the year! @stefs_Stuf: Another amazing submission! The diamond shape in this pattern is so unique. I really want to make it some day, there are just so many cool ways to get creative with that design and shape. You really add something special to every month! @Unicorns4: Congrats on first place! I was absolutely in love with both of your patterns, from the execution to the color choice I feel like you nailed every part of both patterns 🙂 #166852 was the highest scoring pattern for the month even without bonus points because I just think it’s so perfect! Great job again everyone! I will update the powerpoint and all the scores and stuff in the morning over on the June Challenge page. It’s bedtime for now 😴 |