🌕 2024 Full Moon Challenge 🌻💐🌺Flower Moon🌺💐🌻 (MAY) 🌕
Bracelet King
10 months ago by sophlove21
Better late than never. . . Happy second week of May y’all! 😅
According to the Almanac: “May is the month when hundreds of native flowers, sedges, bushes and trees blossom throughout North America bloom. Columbine’s intricate red and yellow bell-like flowers with deep nectaries provide early season food for hummingbirds and other long-tongued pollinators. Lance-leaf coreopsis produces a plethora of bright yellow, daisy-like flowers. Gardeners who promptly deadhead spent blossoms prolong the bloom period through July. Meanwhile large stands of pink-hued prairie smoke create a hazy effect resembling smoke hovering close to the ground.
May’s full Moon bears the name of regionally significant flowers and blooms in other regions.
In the Southeast, the Creek and Choctaw referred to this as the “Mulberry Moon.” Fruit from the native red mulberry tree have long been enjoyed in many forms. [...] In the Pacific Northwest, May’s full Moon is known by the Kalapuya as “Camas Blooming Time.” Camas blue flowers cover meadows throughout Oregon, eastern Washington and northern Idaho.”
More info: https://www.farmersalmanac.com/mays-full-flower-moon

🌻May Scoring Guidelines
Category - Flower Moon - Another very easy month - and there’s actually no moon required this time either! Entries must contain flowers/a flower/flower petals. . . get creative!
Each of the following categories will be worth 5 pts:
-Pattern choice/razzle dazzle
-Edges & endings
-Knot Tension

🌻Bonus Points
+1 bonus point for choosing a pattern with no photos
+1 bonus point for picking a flower/pattern that “reminds you of home” in honor of the many regional names for the Flower Moon. To me this will be the most special part of the month! Just like when we did the worm moon, in order to get the bonus point for this one just write a sentence or two about why the flower or pattern you chose reminds you of home. We all got to know each other a bit through that so I’d love to bring it back!

🌻Multiple Entries
Up to three allowed and encouraged! Submit whatever you’d like-bracelets, keychains, bookmarks, wallhangs, etc. Your highest scoring creation will be entered.
Ties will be broken based on additional entries! If two people have the same score but one person submitted 2 creations, that person would win for the month. If both submitted 2+ creations, whoever scored highest with their second bracelet wins.

🌕DUE: May 31st. Winners announced on the 1st of June, right before the new challenge is announced!🌕

Late entries are always accepted but at a point deduction for the year-long challenge. Since I was late in posting the challenge this month, we can talk about this if it becomes an issue!

🌻Monthly Challenge Prizes
🥇1st: Shoutout in my bio for the month, 5 bonus points in yearly challenge, loves on 5 patterns
🥈2nd: 3 bonus points in yearly challenge, love or comments on 5 patterns
🥉3rd: 1 bonus point in yearly challenge, love or comments on 3 patterns

If you’d like to view the rules and prizes for the year-long challenge, they’re all here: https://www.braceletbook.com/forum/9_challenges/33273_2024-lunar-calendar-challenge-sign-upsrules/#460145
As well as in the powerpoint: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FEV1v5ZQJrAyT_R0YIbctDTYZIzA5D6CYuJ-VxW2AN8/edit?usp=sharing
Bracelet King
10 months ago by ningc98
I’d love to join the yearly challenge. It looks like so much fun! Can I do #168147?
Bracelet King
10 months ago by FlowerB
My first pattern is #155405 when I was little my nana had red roses that grew against the white archway fence going in the back door, I always wanted to pick them but they had thorns so I was constantly told no 😅 so this will be my "reminds me of home" entry.
Bracelet King
10 months ago by LittenGirl
Can I do #146168? They is a lot of wisteria grow around town this year! ❤️
Bracelet King
10 months ago by sophlove21
Loving all the responses so far! Here is a score update for everyone as well!

🧙 Astronomer (61-80pts): @stefs_Stuf 68.5 pts
🧑‍🚀 Space Cadet (41-60pts): @FlowerB 57 pts | @J3ssica 50.5 pts
🌠Shooting Stars (21-40pts): @vale_23 34.25 | @jagajaga13 31 pts | @Grenda 20.25 pts
🔭Star Gazers (10-20pts): @Unicorns4 19 pts | @Duality222 18 | @AlmaLlama 17.75 pts
🌛 Moon Lovers: @xChellax 8pts | @8renda 7.75 pts | @ryannmcc74 5.25 pts | @LittenGirl 4 pts | @4741119 1 pt | @cheeewy | @irib | @ningc98
Bracelet King
10 months ago by J3ssica
@sophlove21 going to do #122230 n cherry blossom reminds me of home. Cause,v they r my bffs favorite. She has them tatted on her n my nickname for her is my cherry blossom n this time of year... It's beautiful when some of the few cherry blossom trees bloom.
Bracelet King
10 months ago by FlowerB
I'm going to do #165610 for my second pattern.
Bracelet King
10 months ago by FlowerB
My photo was accepted #155405
Bracelet King
10 months ago by EllaPatlo
Can I please join with #168277 please? 😜
Bracelet King
10 months ago by jagajaga13
I will make pattern #21837, it reminds me of my childhood because my brother, who has the 22q11 genetic defect, often played with dandelions when he was little. They remind me of good things, even though my brother was still in the hospital at that time.
Bracelet King
10 months ago by ningc98
first pic up! i’ll be looking for a second pattern to do
Bracelet King
10 months ago by ningc98
I’ll be doing #148194 as my 2nd pattern! my mom always gives orchids away as gifts because they last a long time and they’re also all around the house, so it reminds me of my elementary school days ❤️
Bracelet King
10 months ago by sophlove21
I'm loving all the pattern choices so far, everyone! We're going to have so many different kinds of flowers by the end of the month! 🌻 🌷 🌼
Bracelet King
10 months ago by FlowerB
My photo for #165610 was accepted. I got first photo! Also added a cute little crescent moon charm just for fun 🌜
Bracelet King
10 months ago by FlowerB
My last pattern this month will be #141297 🪻
Bracelet King
10 months ago by sophlove21
Howdy everyone! I'll be putting together a list of all the patterns from this month tomorrow, so try and let me know today if there's something you've started working on! I hope everyone is having a great start to the summer!
Bracelet King
10 months ago by jagajaga13
My photo was accepted #21837.
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by sophlove21
@4741119 here is the challenge for May!
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by 4741119
Not sure what pattern im going to do yet
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by sophlove21
Alrighty everyone, here are the patterns I have so far!
@AlmaLlama: #162369(A)
@EllaPatlo: #168277
@FlowerB: #155405*(A), #165610(A)* #141297
@J3ssica: #122230
@ jagajaga13: #21837(A)*
@LittenGirl: #146168
@ningc98: #168147(A), #148194*
(A): Photo accepted
*: Bonus points

So excited to see some new faces this month! The patterns that have already come in look amazing!

Since there are some new faces, I wanted to re-explain one of the rules we added to the challenge late. If the pattern you make has more than 1440 knots, it is considered a wall-hang and counts as double points in the year-long challenge. To find the number of knots, just multiply the dimensions shown at the top of the pattern together!

For example, pattern #167252 is 73 x 94, so 6862 knots 🤯
If you ever need help figuring out the math or find a pattern that is a bit too big you would like to do part of, let me know and I can help you figure it out!