20000 KNOTS CHALLENGE page 13
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by Yelena09
Oh my goodness thank you so much!! I had so much fun in this challenge!! You were an excellent host and I can't wait to see more of your future challenges! (:
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by kpn
@Yelena09 thank you!
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by eglaf
@Fizzah @Hugin @Yelena09 congratulations guys! And @kpn thank you for hosting! This has definitely been my favorite challenge!
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by kpn
@eglaf hooray! thank you so much for participating!
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by eglaf
You’re welcome!!
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by Fizzah
you flatter me @kpn 🙈 thank you so much! this was really a very fun challenge
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by ningc98
thank you! @Fizzah @Hugin @Yelena09 y’all did so well! congratulations!
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by kpn
@Fizzah I'm so glad! you totally deserved the win 😊
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by Rainbow608
hellooo! i hope you're doing well! so i know i'm late in giving my response but yeah the past few weeks have been quite a lot for me, from starting school again to getting sick last week but yeah unfortunately i couldn't finish the 20k knots and could only get to around 18300 knots in total. i did want to tell you that i really enjoyed being part of the challenge and i even got to finish making my biggest project yet so thank you for hosting! here is the list of knots:#152691-642 #149476-304*2=608 #30712-590 #151750-512 #167858-186*2=372 #168074-320 #128906-130 #113317-672 #7984-915 #155196-457 #88710-880 #148957-316*3-23=1105 #143631-231*2=462 #43240-840 #92753-511 #unknown (giraffe wall-hanging)-5016 #118308-289 #15234-492 #158185-504 #unknown (beaded alpha)-246 #125204-1040 #89433-440 #28937-280*2=560 #unknown (block bracelet)-240*2=480 and also around 200 knots worth of Chinese staircase bracelets.. total-18283 also one of #148957, the two of #143631, one of #28937, one of #167858 and #151750 were all given to my friends, i just love it when i see them wearing the bracelets or attach the keyrings onto their pouches. i could not have made so much stuff for them in such little time so again thanks for hosting this challenge! |
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by kpn
@Rainbow608 those are all lovely! I'm so sorry it was too late to judge for you but I love them! I'll still give you the everybody prizes (:
8 months ago by Hugin
Wow thanks! (sorry for the late reply). I'm really happy! And thanks for the long feedback, you really put a lot of work into it. I didn't think I'd be placed either, because everyone else's stuff is so great 😍I really enjoyed the challenge and would definitely take part again. And it really motivated me to knot regularly and try out new things. and 20,000 is a really big number, you're really proud when you've achieved that. I also had the idea of doing a '10/20/50 hours of knotting challenge', where you knot for a certain amount of time (not all at once, of course) and then show what you've achieved at the end. 🤔 |
8 months ago by Hugin