20000 KNOTS CHALLENGE page 11
Bracelet King
9 months ago by 4741119
Could I have an extension! I should be over 10,000 knots by the end of the month
Bracelet King
9 months ago by Fizzah
I've completed the challenge 👀
I'm so glad I could do it since I have exams in the first week of July!! It was really fun @kpn! Thank you for hosting.

List of patterns made:
#50961 (3)
#138701 (2)
#48459 (2)
(Plus one which doesn't have a pattern on braceletbook)
Bracelet King
8 months, 4 weeks ago by kpn
@Fizzah WOW
Bracelet King
8 months, 4 weeks ago by kpn
@4741119 we can see how far you get by the end of the month and think abt how much of an extension you need then (:
Bracelet King
8 months, 3 weeks ago by 4741119
Is it ok if I forgot to put the challenge name in some photos?
Bracelet King
8 months, 3 weeks ago by kpn
@4741119 that's alright!
Bracelet King
8 months, 3 weeks ago by Yelena09
I might need an extension. I'm around 15,000 knots atm but I don't think I can reach 20,000 by July 1.
Bracelet King
8 months, 3 weeks ago by kpn
@Yelena09 (so sorry if this sounds rude or anything, it's just my solution) Keep knotting when it's convenient for you and don't prioritize this over your real life schedule. If you can get to 20,000 by the end of June that would be fantastic but if not, you can have the extension (: I'm trying to not give out too many extensions since there's a lot of ppl in this challenge and it could shift a lot, but I can certainly give them if needed!
Bracelet King
8 months, 3 weeks ago by eglaf
I have finished! And I accidentally overshot a bit
with my bracelet bag (#13217). Anyways, here’s the list!

#148794 948 knots
#35627 x3 2,280 knots
#167984 x6 5,112 knots
#161466 442 knots
#167858 408 knots
#61158 x4 1,632 knots
#154287 752 knots
#167858 250 knots
#149729 x4 1,840 knots
#129466 366 knots
#165767 617 knots
#27767 900 knots
#49396 1,584 knots
#127563 400 knots
#13217 18,000+ knots
#167220 424 knots

So that brings me to a total of 35,950(ish) knots!
I guess i should have paid more attention to how
many knots i made, but i’m kinda glad that i exceeded
my expectations!
Bracelet King
8 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@eglaf no words just wow
8 months, 2 weeks ago by cavapoo2
I am going to be just over 19,000 but I don't have any more time before July 1st so I'm going to have to drop out. I am so sorry!
Bracelet King
8 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@cavapoo2 bestie you tied more than 19000 knots in 2 months that's enough for me (:
Bracelet King
8 months, 2 weeks ago by katdog1210
hey! so just to be clear, will the challenge deadline be at the beginning of july 1st or at the end of the day? like should i try to have it done by 11:59 p.m on the 30th or 11:59 on the 1st?
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by kpn
@katdog1210 11:59 by the 30th
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by katdog1210
@kpn oh shucks😵 i don’t know if ill be able to do it in time but imma try‼️
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by kpn
@katdog1210 no problem! i'm allowing time for photos to be submitted so as long as you've honestly submitted all your photos by 11:59 tomorrow, i don't care when they're approved. i'll check the wave of new photos tomorrow for anything else from all the contestants to make sure nothing is too late.
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by kpn
@RyanMarieS @pablotimon @18390648 @LittenGirl @EggMan @mags11 @mishka0129 @Yelena09 @Mirabelle_ @eglaf @AlmaLlama @isabel_gw @katdog1210 @kirchbsi @jozalyn @cavapoo2 @_ortga @ningc98 @alligator6 @Rainbow608 @leviOss_09 @Fizzah @Hugin @multiestar @Raynebow8 @01289 @rics_girl3 @Oceanheart @4741119 @jacfmbdn69 @slayqueen1

Just letting y'all know a few things before the challenge ends:
1. Please have all your photos submitted by midnight tomorrow (time zones are alright- your midnight, not mine). This does not mean they have to be up, just submitted. If there's any photos still going up, I will check the wave of new photos tomorrow and see what all was submitted.
2. If you're under 1000 knots away from 20,000 by tomorrow night, that's alright. You've come this far and I'm not taking you out just for a small counting or time error. HOWEVER, this is not an excuse to hit 19000 and quit there!
3. I have decided that I will not be giving out extensions, but I will do passes. Meaning, if you can make a valid case for why you don't have 20,000 yet and you already have a whole lot anyways, I can let it slide.
4. I know some of you have already submitted your pattern lists, but I'll say it again: You will be posting a list of all the patterns you completed and the overall amount of knots tied (rough estimate if necessary). You do not have to say how many knots was in every individual creation, and it's alright if you didn't label the photos.

Flair tips for submission: (none of these are required, just little suggestions)
1. Your photos doesn't have to be super cute or neat, I'm only judging your art itself!
2. I can be swayed my emotion so please do tell me if you made something specifically for somebody.
3. If possible, I'd love to hear a little reflection about the 20,000, what it took out of you (mentally and physically), how your time management worked out with such a huge project, and anything else you'd like to add. I will NOT be judging this and it is NOT a requirement at all but it is encouraged. I'm just curious about y'all's experiences!
4. I'd also love some comments and criticism on this challenge if I were to host it again. Please let me know if 20,000 was too much or too little for the time period and any other thoughts you had about the contest

If possible, please message me your list! This is so that it's easier to keep everything organized for me. You can post your list on the topic as well so that people can see it, but please also message me the list. If you aren't allowed to message that's alright, you can just post it on here. Please do message me the list if possible though!
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by 4741119
Honestly I think I’m around 10k but i don’t know cause I left the notebook somewhere with all the totals and I don’t know when I will get It back, but I’m going to camp and I am really busy cause I have to pack and all that, oh and All but 1 of the creations I’ve made have been for people. All the photos #88079 and more recent than that are for this challenge
8 months, 1 week ago by multiestar
Hihi! Is it alr if you dont count me in from now on, I completely forgot about this challenge and I've done pretty much nothing yet! Sorry for the inconvenience
8 months, 1 week ago by jozalyn
I'm sorry, I got distracted my other things and wasn't able to do much of anything. I apologize for any issues