🌕2024 Full Moon Challenge ❄️SNOW MOON❄️ (Feb) page 5
Bracelet King
1 year ago by J3ssica
I meant @sophlove21 look up lol
Bracelet King
1 year ago by sophlove21
@J3ssica I had forgotten about that, that is true!! I'll figure out a way to incorporate that into the rules. Good catch!! @Duality222 sounds like a great plan 🙂 Can't wait to see when it's done!! |
Bracelet King
1 year ago by J3ssica
@sophlove21 u would assume it would make it easier but not really much on the way of patterns for either. I have one for both but I want to use the other for next month Fish Moon also known as the Pink Moon. Lol the Snow Moon was so pretty the other day. will have to get created with the Crow Moon though. Lol smh u think there'd be tons of raven n crow patterns with a moon but alas there is not. Not that I am aware of anyway. I accept the challenge though. Pun intended 😂
Bracelet King
1 year ago by sophlove21
I think I might make the moon being in the pattern worth one of the bonus points because of that 😖
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Unicorns4
Hi! My photo of #142927 has been accepted! I believe it is the first one for that pattern 🫶🫶
Bracelet King
1 year ago by sophlove21
Just so everyone knows I will actually announce winners tomorrow on the first! Still trying to get caught up after finals/make the prompt for next month fun 😅
Bracelet King
1 year ago by sophlove21
Also if anyone has participated in the bonus challenge by commenting on other peoples designs, let me know! Just a reminder 4 comments = 1 bonus point in the year long challenge 🙂
Bracelet King
1 year ago by sophlove21
Alright class! Please check over my notes before final scoring closes and I announce winners tomorrow morning! Here are all the finished bracelets I know of, and people I either think or know are still waiting for photos to be uploaded! As always let me know if I’m missing anything. I hope you’re as pumped for a new month as I am! 🐛🌸 🐣@FlowerB: #111107**, #158907* & #46534* (set) @jagajaga13: #112889* , #101793* @J3ssica: #107402(x2), #161627* @stefs_Stuf: #126252 (x2) @Unicorns4: #142927* (x2) @vale_23: #23081(x2)& #103146 (set) Patterns but no photos: @4741119, @AlmaLlama, @Grenda, @irib, @karalee98, @stefs_Stuf (second pattern) (x2) Wall Hang Multiplier! *: Bonus points |
Bracelet King
1 year ago by AlmaLlama
I did not finished, but I hope I will get into the projects later on. For me will be a late submission, sorry
Bracelet King
1 year ago by sophlove21
Happy March everyone! Before we start the next challenge, I have some winners to announce! 🥇. . . @J3ssica! Great work this month! I love the pattern that you chose, and the colors you chose for the background are so beautiful. Plus adding in the snow really made the pattern yours 🙂 I’m glad this challenge has been a way for you to keep trying new things, can’t wait to see what you decide to do next month! 🥈. . . @Unicorns4! The color switches in your bracelet are so clean, which I know can be very challenging. The bracelet looks almost like a painting though because of how many colors you were able to incorporate. Very impressive work, and great pattern choice! 🥉. . .@FlowerB! Both your standalone bracelet and the sets looked clean and professional in all categories. More importantly each project you turn in really has that personal touch that makes it special. I’m loving your creative approach to the prompts! Thanks for being here 🙂 Great job to everyone who turned in a bracelet this month! @jagajaga13, I really loved that earring set you made. Especially the way the colors matched the flowers in the background! @stefs_Stuf the pattern that you chose was super creative, and the colors you chose for it made it feel very alive! @vale_23, I was super impressed #23081 in particular; you did such a great job on it, and I really love that fancy little tassel at the top. Like, I would buy that at a cozy winter-time art fair!! I’ll have my bio updated and the new challenge (with the updated slideshow) posted after I eat some lunch 🥗 Great job once again!! As pretty as everything has been for the last two months I am PUMPED to see some spring designs babeeeyy. 🌝 One last thing 🌚 I want to add a section to the slideshow for patterns that have been designed/posted specifically for this challenge! So far I have #163741 by @karalee98, #164893 by @stefs_Stuf, and #165357 by @Grenda. If you’ve already designed a pattern let me know! And, in the future, if you design something for the challenge either DM me or just post it right on the forum! I didn’t really think of that as being a way people would interact with the challenge but I’m so glad it is and cannot wait to see all the art we’ve created together at the end of the year :’) |
Bracelet King
1 year ago by J3ssica
@sophlove21 I'm literally crying. Ty so much! This is my first challenge win that I won fair and square n not by default. Lol YAY! I'm so glad you like what I did. Looking forward to this month. ❄️🌝
Bracelet King
1 year ago by FlowerB
@J3ssica Congratulations! You deserve it 👏🎉 @sophlove21 Thank you for your kind words 💕 I'm so glad to be a part of this challenge and the braceletbook community.