🌕2024 Full Moon Challenge ❄️SNOW MOON❄️ (Feb) page 4
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by J3ssica
@sophlove my photo was accepted! ❄️🌝🥶💗
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by FlowerB
@sophlove21 I would love to see your presentation 💕 Also Happy Lunar New Year everyone 🥳🎉🎊
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by FlowerB
@J3ssica I just wanted to say I've seen you in so many challenges I've been a part of, and I've keep seeing your work getting better and better! Love that tapestry you just finished!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Unicorns4
Hi! I ended up sticking to pattern #142927, but I am doing a slight variation where it is going to include a moon to make it just one creation. Only question, I am technically not making it into a wall hanging, but based on the number of knots it would be, would it count as one?
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
@J3ssica it's B E A U T I F U L! And to think you made your very first wall hang last month 🥹😍 Happy belated Lunar New Year everyone! 🐉Also I'll have a Valentines Day surprise for everyone tomorrow! 💖✌🏼 Hope you've all been having an energizing weekend as the lunar new year begins and the world around us starts to thaw ⛄️🫠 |
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by J3ssica
@FlowerB n @sophlove21 ty both so much! It's REALLY been a beautiful journey for me. I just ordered more floss Friday and I can't wait to make some more cool stuff. I just finished my variation of a Taylor Swift pattern n I love the colors. I'm working on another wall hanging as well. But... I'm probably just going to bang out a keychain today for the aesthetic challenge. I'm going to be making some epic pieces this month. I'm even going to surprise my mom with something special. She's having reconstruction soon. But ... This Lunar Calendar Challenge is going to be the highlight of my yr n I PROMISE yas... I'm going to make some really beautiful stuff for it. I got ideas. Lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
@Unicorns4 I just realized that I never answered your question earlier; yes, it is big enough to get the x2 multiplier!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
Okay moon lovers, I have one more trick up my lil sleeve for this month. . . There’s a bonus challenge for Valentine's Day! I know a lot of people have expressed interest in this challenge who are not able to participate at the moment by making bracelets. Plus, the point of hosting a year long challenge like this to me is really to build community, not compete with one another. So to keep with the theme of spreading joy this month there’s a little bonus challenge you can participate in to earn some points for the year-long challenge. All you have to do is leave some positive comments on the creations of other people in this challenge! It can be a photo or design they have uploaded. **It does not have to be something they uploaded for this challenge!!** You will earn 1 point for every positive comment *up to four*. You can double your points if every comment is for someone different! So you can earn 8 points total, or 2 points in the year-long challenge. Just to keep from spamming this chat too much, please DM me once you have reached 4 comments and let me know who they were for! I will be adding a slide to the presentation for the full challenge that shows how many comments each person has left. It will also show how many comments each person has received so we can make sure everyone is getting some love! You should be able to see it now 🙂 Let me know if you do not see your name on that slide but would like to be included and I will add you! I also added a “coming soon” slide to the presentation with all the future months for anyone who really likes to plan ahead! Be kind to yourself, and happy knotting 🙂 |
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by jagajaga13
My photo was accepted#112889
Bracelet King
1 year ago by jagajaga13
my both photo was accepted #112889,#101793.
Bracelet King
1 year ago by sophlove21
Hi everyone 🙂 The cold moon is drawing to a close! I am starting to see signs of spring all around where I live 🥲 I am planning on posting a big update later today with what patterns everyone is making and which ones are already finished! Just to make sure that I'm staying on top of my scoring and not missing anything. Thanks y'all, I hope you've been doing well!
Bracelet King
1 year ago by FlowerB
@sophlove21 Yes! Wild daffodils (we say buttercups 🤭) are everywhere here! Spring is definitely making it's presence known! Hope you are well 💕
Bracelet King
1 year ago by sophlove21
I don’t have a ton to update! Let me know if there is anything missing 🙂 I also grouped all the people I hadn’t heard from at all this month at the bottom; they won’t get tagged in the final update the day before grading starts. I’ve mentioned a bunch of times but it is totally okay to pick and choose which months you join, so no pressure!! Just trying to keep things straight on my end 🙂 @4741119: #162843** @8renda: #136342 @AlmaLlama: #158536* & #162654* (set) @Duality222: #156742** @FlowerB: #111107**(A), #158907*(A) & #46534*(A) (set) @Grenda: #137799, #140835 @irib: #136844 @jagajaga13: #112889* (A) , #101793* (A) @J3ssica: #107402(x2) (A), #161627*(A) @Kaily: @karalee98: #163741**(x2) @Orsi13: @stefs_Stuf: #126252 (A) (x2) , #164893 (x2) @Unicorns4: #142927 (x2) @vale_23: #23081*& #103146 (set) Haven’t heard from:@Emakes, @Fronkie_, @Kaily, @Orsi13 (A): Photo accepted (x2) Wall Hang Multiplier! *: Bonus points Just a reminder the bonus points for this round are for first photos and variations on any pattern with a snow or moon that is not your own pattern. You may also leave up to four comments on creations (either patterns or photos) of anyone who has participated in this challenge for 1 extra bonus point in the year-long challenge. If you do this just DM me so you get “credit”. Can’t wait till the February slide is complete! The colors in this one are soooo pretty. I’m so excited for you all to see! |
Bracelet King
1 year ago by J3ssica
The Snow Moon is out tonight and very pretty 🥶🌨️🌝
Bracelet King
1 year ago by 8renda
I won’t be able to participate in this month’s challenge.
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Grenda
I might only be able to make #137799 for this month. For the following months moon challenge I designed a pattern #165357. I was wondering if I could make that when the next challenge starts?
Bracelet King
1 year ago by sophlove21
@8renda totally fine thanks for letting me know! @Grenda next month is "Worm Moon" so there may be a way to make it work! I'm just finishing up the rules for next month so I'll think about how to include it. If not we'll figure out how to get you some points for it. Just turned my portfolio in yesterday 😭 now I have to write an essay about all my drawings and then I'm freeee. I'm excited for next month, I think it's going to be a fun one! I'll have a final list of February entrants tomorrow, and then winners on Thursday! |
1 year ago by vale_23
@sophlove21 I finished my patterns and the pictures are up #23081 and #103146
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Duality222
I've started a bookmark as I planned, but unfortunately won't finish it on time😔 let's try next month😇
Bracelet King
1 year ago by J3ssica
Isn't next month also known as the Crow Moon and would a crow pattern count? Or r we all having to do something with the Worm Moon? @sophcharr