🌕2024 Full Moon Challenge ❄️SNOW MOON❄️ (Feb)
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
@4741119 🌕 @8renda 🌕@AlmaLlama 🌕@BlueCat123 🌕@Emakes 🌕@Fronkie_ 🌕@Grenda 🌕 @J3ssica 🌕@Kaily 🌕@karalee98 🌕@Orsi13 🌕@stefs_Stuf 🌕@Unicorns4 🌕 @vale_23 🌕 @Yelena09
As promised, here’s the February Challenge a little early: the Snow Moon 🥶 🌚 ⛄ Thank you so much to everyone who participated last month-I’m having a blast so far, and I hope you are too! I tagged everyone above who I heard from in the last month, but anyone is welcome to join at any time!
✨NOTE✨ Challenge begins 2/1. This is just to give people time to pick patterns.

❄️February’s full moon is called the Snow Moon. From the Farmer’s Almanac: Traditionally known as the “Snow” Moon, February’s Moon has many alternative names as well—even a name when February has no full Moon at all: “Black” Moon. Depending on location and climate conditions, February can be one of the snowiest months of the year. This is especially true throughout the Ohio River Valley in the eastern and central US, as well as in the coastal Pacific Northwest. Furthermore, at this mid-winter point without many other strongly distinguishing characteristics—no plants to harvest, no new plants blooming—snow can be the most prominent trait of the month.
More Info: (https://www.farmersalmanac.com/february-full-snow-moon)
❄️February Scoring Guidelines
Category - Snow Moon: This month is sort of a “this or that” challenge. You can either make a pair of bracelets/keychains, one snow themed and one moon themed, or pick a wall hanging that has both the moon and snow.
This is why the scoring change was so important to me! If you want your wall hanging to count for double points (and not essentially get behind anyone who is making the bracelet/keychain set) the design must be 1440 knots. If you are making an alpha pattern, multiply the number of rows in your design to get the number of knots. If you want to make some changes to a design and are having a hard time deciding if it will count, please message me!
Each of the following categories will be worth 5 pts:
-Pattern choice/razzle dazzle
-Edges & endings
-Knot Tension
The Cold Moon has many other names that touch on the cold, bare feelings we all get during this time of year. I’ve often wondered if Valentine’s Day is in February because it is one of the coldest, darkest months and we all need extra love at that time. Following this idea, here are the two ways to earn bonus points this challenge:
Create a variation. Did you know that when you add a variation on Braceletbook the creator of the pattern gets a notification? It’s really cool to see someone is thinking of making your pattern, and an easy way to contribute to the site!
Submit a “first photo” with your design. @KrazyKnotz has a lot of great snow patterns that do not have any photos on the bracelet front, and I know that a few of you have been designing your own wall hangings ahead of time. There is a little bit of a “dibs” situation that could arise here, so please be respectful of one another and if you need help finding a pattern or would like help designing something please let me know! Myself or other members of the challenge may be able to help 🙂
Please note that even if you make the bracelet/keychain set, you can only earn two bonus points total. You just have double the options when it comes to how you want to earn those points 🙂
❄️Multiple Entries:
Because this month is short and I have a portfolio due on the 28th 😅 I would appreciate it if people stick to ✨Two entries ✨this month. That means two bracelet/keychain pairs, two wall hangings, or one of each.
🌕DUE: Feb 28th. Y’all, it’s a leap year! Winners announced on the 29th! 🌕
❄️Monthly Challenge Prizes
🥇 Shoutout in my bio for the month, 5 bonus points in yearly challenge, comments on 5 patterns
🥈3 bonus points in yearly challenge, comments on 3 patterns
🥉 1 bonus point in yearly challenge, love on 3 patterns
The updated rules, including the changes for wall hanging scoring and a new final tier, are here:
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by J3ssica
@sophlove21 are we aloud to make a keychain n a wall hanging?
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by J3ssica
@sophlove21 n to get number of knots for alpha wall hanging... U said to multiply by the number of rows but multiply by what exactly? I'm bad at math n confused. Lol do I multiply number of rows by how many base strings? I feel SO dumb for asking but.... Lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Hylia224
I unfortunately can't join but the way you've been setting up this challenge and the research and time you've put into it is just amazing. And the whole idea itself is super creative!
Props to you and good luck everyone!! 💖💛
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by J3ssica
@sophlove21 I am committing to #107402 cause I just am so in love with the pattern 💕
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Grenda
Can I do #137799?
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
@Grenda yeah that pattern is really pretty!

I guess I should clarify, you can either do one design that has both elements or two separate designs as a set. It doesn't have to be a wall hanging if you find a pattern you like that's small enough and has both! I mostly wanted to give ppl some flexibility.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
Also @Hylia224 hey thanks! I spent a lot of time planning before the year started so it's really cool to see it all in action 🙂 And hey, there's still plenty of time for you to catch a month or two down the road!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Hylia224
I just might! 😊
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by EggMan
@J3ssica Yes, you multiply the number of rows by the number of base strings. Your question is not at all something to feel stupid about. It's wonderful that you chose to ask it, that's how learning happens.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Grenda
Okay thank you! I saw the slideshow you made and it’s so cool how you to made it.😊
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by J3ssica
@EggMan ty n then, my pattern will have 2,679 knots! Lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by J3ssica
@EggMan it will be my biggest yet! I'm so excited n nervous at the same time. Lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by EggMan
@J3ssica Good luck! I hope you'll have a fun time making it.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Grenda
I might also do #140835 for this challenge as well.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by AlmaLlama
Hi, I have 2 quick questions. For the bonus point with the variation, do we have just to submit the variation or to make the bracelet/keychain/etc with our own colors? And we must do 2 different patterns, one with snow and one with a moon, or we can make just a pattern with snow for example?
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by irib
@Grenda that is a gorgeous pattern wow!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by irib
@AlmaLlama I was just about to ask that first question, too. And, to add on, if we don't have to physically recreate our variations, is there a limit to how many variations we can make that will still count as points for this challenge?
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by irib
@AlmaLlama also, as for your second question, I believe you have to complete the prompt of both snow and moon one way or another. I think you can do just a snow pattern, but then you would have to pair it with a separate moon pattern. You could also do a keychain or wallhanging that includes both snow and moon. @sophlove21 please correct me if I'm wrong
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by irib
@sophlove21 also! I was thinking of doing #136844 for another challenge, could I include it for this challenge too? and pair it with a snow related pattern?