2024 Full Moon Challenge: 🐺🌕WOLF MOON 🌕🐺 page 5
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
@J3ssica I love it! The knotting is absolutely beautiful. Also, the moon sort of reminds me of the "Blood Moon" in Breath of the Wild haha.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
@8renda just saw yours as well!! Ahhh these wall hangings are so dope! And congrats on the first photo that always feels like a tiny victory to me 🙂
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by 8renda
Thank you! I really appreciate it. That is one of the first wallhangings I’ve made.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by BlueCat123
I’m going to have to quit I’m sorry😔
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
Hi everyone! I can’t believe that there is just under a week left already! I have loved seeing everyone’s designs so far, and I can’t wait to see them all together at the end of the month! Side note: tomorrow is the full moon 🌝
Here’s an updated list of what everyone is working on:
@4741119: #80170* (X)
@8renda: #90271*(A),
@AlmaLlama: #139139* (A), #49367 (-)
@BlueCat123: #139139*(-)
@Duality222: #137905
@Emakes: #84863
@FlowerB: #15478 (A), #65690* (A)
@Fronkie_: No pattern yet!
@Grenda: #82883* (A), #42382 (A), #66231*(-)
@J3ssica: #14249*(A)
@Kaily: #42603*, #80170*
@karalee98: #90271*(X), #136748(i)
@Orsi13: #12438*
@stefs_Stuf: #75684*
@Unicorns4: #9779, #139139*
@vale_23: #138733(A), #41077*(A), #26333(A)
@Yelena09: #80170
(A): Photo accepted
(-): Pattern abandoned
(X): Extension/might not be done by end of month
*: Pattern worth extra point

Patterns Due: January 30th. This is so that I can have all of the patterns judged and pick winners by the 31st, so I can announce the next month’s challenge on the first again (eep!). I know that we are all on different time zones, so I will post one more updated list with the **Finished Patterns Only** on the night of the 30th; please DM me if your photo gets accepted after that (or if you are for some reason not on that list) so I make sure to judge it before I post the results on the 31st!

Rules on late submissions: Since this monthly challenge is part of a larger year-long challenge, to avoid having several challenges running at the same time I cannot grant any extensions for the monthly challenge itself. However, late submissions are always allowed as a part of the yearly challenge. The only catch is each design turned in late will get an automatic 4 point deduction, or 1 full point on the year-long challenge. If you turn a design in late, just let me know via DM or by mentioning it in the thread for the month your design was *originally from*.

Final Note: *Spoilers* but next month’s theme is “snow moon” so if you have started something for this month and do not think you will finish it in time but you will be able to include both a moon and snow in the pattern, you could hold onto it and enter it next month!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by J3ssica
I knew next month was going to be the snow moon and I have been going through SEVERAL pages of patterns trying to figure out what I can do for it. Lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Yelena09
I should have mine done by the end of the month (:
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Unicorns4
Hi! My photo of pattern #9779 has been accepted. I won't be doing the second bracelet, though. ❤️
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
@Unicorns4 Got it, looks great! We've got so much variety this round. 🤯
@Duality222 I just saw yours as well! I loooove the tiny little loop at the top, soo cute.

Just so everyone knows I am planning on posting the February Challenge on January 31st now-right after the winners for this month are posted. Since February is a short month I thought it would help to have an extra day to pick your pattern(s) and plan what you want to do 🙂
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
@stefs_Stuf your wallhanging is up as well now... 🤯 Great job! It's huge and I really love the color shifting in the moon, did you do that by hand or did you use color changing string?
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by stefs_Stuf
Yes finally!! Well.. I started with a tie dye package (1 of each basic color + 20 shades of brown for some reason 😅).. Unfortunately, 1 piece = about 5 rows, so after that, I switched the colors myself (This unlocked a whole new side of me.. I call her: 'crazy screaming -bracelet lady'😵‍💫😁)
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
Sorry to spam this group today, but as I’m working on this month and next I’ve been thinking about some potential rule changes. These **would not effect the challenge on a month to month basis** just how I tally up points for the rewards at the end. I want to get everyone’s (or a lot of ppls) feedback before anything changes tho! Basically here’s what I’m thinking:
Anything that is “wallhanging” size would get their score doubled for the year-long challenge. That way you aren’t penalized for taking a whole month to make one large project as opposed to several small ones-everyone can participate however works best for them. Right now, I’m thinking “wallhanging” size would be 1440 knots (assuming the average bracelet is 12x60, so 720 knots). Designs from this month that would qualify: @J3ssica (#14249), @stefs_Stuf (#75684), @vale_23 (13873 and 41077). #90271 that @8renda and @karalee98 made wouldn’t technically count but I would probably do the double score for this first month if that's cool with everyone, but moving forward I think 1440 seems fair.
Adding one more tier for the yearly prize. Currently the prizes for the year long challenge are:
10-20 pts: Loves on 5 patterns, comments on 3 patterns, friend request
🌒21-40 pts: I pick 1 of your patterns to do, love on 5 patterns, comments on 3 patterns, fr
🌓41-60 pts: You pick 1 pattern for me to do, love on 10 patterns, comments on 5
🌔61-80 pts: You pick 1 pattern I pick 1 pattern, love on 10, comments on 5
🌕80+ pts: FR, You pick 2 patterns, love on 10, comments on 5, permanent shutout in bio and custom pattern design of your choice!

I’m thinking about changing that last step to 80-100, and then adding a 100+ category! I’d love ideas on what to do for that tier, but it seems like we may need it based on the amount of interest/potential wallhanging change. I don’t think I will change any of the current tiers at all, although I hope everyone understands it’s going to take me awhile to make all your designs in 2025 haha.
Lmk what you think, either here or with a DM 🙂 Can’t wait to show you guys what I’ve been cooking up to make this challenge even cooler next month!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by AlmaLlama
This is a good idea for people who like doing wallhangings! Personally I feel a wallhanging is too lot for me, so I don't think I would make one 😅 But it seems fair because a wallhanging is a lot of work than just a bracelet.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by karalee98
I’m absolutely ok with whatever you chose to do ❤️ 😊
1 year, 1 month ago by vale_23
@sophlove21 I am fine with whatever 🙂
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by J3ssica
I'm cool with whatever you want to do too
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Grenda
That’s fine whatever works best in the end.😁
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Duality222
Saw your feedback on pattern #2609 🥰appreciate it
I have 1 more finished piece for #137905 (just submitted a photo).
Just found out a year-long challenge, can't wait to participate! 🤗
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
@Duality222 your photo is up, I just saw it! It's officially added to the list for this month. 🙂 Glad to have you along for the year!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by sophlove21
Hey everyone 🙂 The end is drawing near for the Wolf Moon Challenge 🐺 Around 6pm EST tomorrow we’ll have a winner! I’m going to give it until the evening so everyone has as much time as possible to get their patterns in. However since February is a short month and I have class all day tomorrow and won't really be able to interact/answer questions all day, **I'm going to post February's Challenge later today**. You're not allowed to have two active challenges on BB so this will just be for signups until the month starts.
Also, since nobody seemed to mind changing the rules I will put the wall hanging scoring into effect this round. I have put a (x2) next to any pattern that meets the requirements, and will do so moving forward as well so that I can make sure we are all on the same page about what counts and what doesn’t. If there is ever any confusion-I know, we’re involving math now 😣-feel free to DM me! Also I decided to add a 1.5x multiplier to the two versions of #90271 just for transparency.

Here’s the full list of completed creations that I know of:
@8renda: #90271*(x1.5)
@AlmaLlama: #139139*
@Duality222: #2609*, #137905
@FlowerB: #15478 , #65690*
@Grenda: #82883* , #42382
@J3ssica: #14249*(x2)
@karalee98: #90271*(x1.5)
@stefs_Stuf: #75684*(x2)
@Unicorns4: #9779
@vale_23: #138733(x2), #41077*(x2), #26333
* = bonus point
(x2) = multiplier
Again please message me if you think you should be on here and you are (k)not!