Book Themed Challenge! (Prizes)
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by gretchklub
Hi everybody! Here is a "book themed" challenge!

-must be related to books somehow. Whether it has books on it, it has characters in it, or the title of a book. All of these work 🙂
-you may enter as late as you like, I just ask that submissions are made specifically for this challenge
-to enter your submission, post your bracelet and you can either mark your photo with the challenge name, or you can message me letting me know it has been approved and posted on the site
-No limit to how many people can enter!
-DEADLINE: February 1st
-Winners announced February 3rd

1st. Five star reviews on every pattern you have made + I will make one of your to-dos + Shoutout in my bio
2nd. Five star on every patern you've made + Shoutout in bio
3rd. Shoutout in bio
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by 8renda
Can I join with #18789?