I pick from your to-dos!
Bracelet King
2 years ago by JedaKnots
Pretty self explanatory. I will give you 3 patterns from your to-do list and you can’t pick which one out of the three you want to do! I won’t give out any prizes or really be judging (I am but I’m not, I’ll let you know if I like your pattern best!) because I’m not that active, but my main goal of to help you clear your to-dos! (You can tell me alphas or normals as well 🙂)There is no due date |
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
you actually have to add a due date since users cannot post multiple challenges at once. if there is no due date, then you would never be able to post another challenge.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by JedaKnots
Oh I didn’t know that. Well then the due date is March 10th!