。・゚・ Let's Make Each Other's Patterns! ・゚・。 page 5
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
@jazzyghost thank you for giving me a heads up! 🙂 It looks so good!!!
Bracelet King
2 years ago by peristyle
Hey! If there are still any issues with people dropping out, I've just noticed this thread now and am willing to make the pattern of someone whose partner left without anybody needing to make a pattern of mine in return (I think I'm reading this all right?). Feel free to ignore if everything is already worked out ^_^
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
Thank you @peristyle !That is so kind of you to offer! Currently we don't have anyone not covered, but if you want to, I can tag you if someone else drops out, to ask if you still want to do it and have time (if not, that will be absolutely understandable and fine, of course). (As it happens, I'm currently working on a pattern of yours, completely unrelated to this challenge 😄 ) |
Bracelet King
2 years ago by peristyle
@IndyHaine Offer is on the table! I'll have some extra free time in the coming weeks so just give me a shout if you need 😉(And isn't it funny how that works out? Seems like you're always working on something of mine so I thought it would be cool to see what you'd been cooking up yourself~ That's how I found the challenge 😄 ) |
2 years ago by halokiwi
I posted my photo of #141805 by @BerrySloth
Bracelet King
2 years ago by lynx123
I posed my photo of #137141 I'm just waiting for it to be accepted
Bracelet King
2 years ago by lynx123
Bracelet King
2 years ago by rdiostatic
My photo of @SmileSnake's #122677 is up!
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
@peristyle Thank you! That is so kind of you!And what can I say, I just really like your patterns! 😄 @halokiwi It looks so cute! ❤️ Thank you for participating!! @lynx123 Oh wow! And two shaped bracelets, that's really hard work and they look absolutely flawless!! Thank you for participating in this challenge as well! ❤️ @rdiostatic I am obsessed with your colour choices! It looks do good! And thank you as well, for participating im the chsllenge of course! ❤️ Seeing all your creations honestly makes me so happy right now! 😊 |
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
I realized I should also have probably linked the patterns I made Keychains from, just to be transparent:From @Trakehner 's patterns I made #119337 and #119544 and from @jazzyghost 's patterns I made #143154 They were a delight to make! 😊 |
Bracelet King
2 years ago by wiland
Hey there! My pic just got accepted for #141805 by @BerrySloth. Apparently @halokiwi and I both decided to make the same pattern! They're both very different though. I'm happy to pick up anyone else's pattern if need be.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
@wiland it looks so cute!! It's really cool to see how both of you did it so differently! ❤️
Bracelet King
2 years ago by 4741119
I did @Miacatbb ‘s pattern! It was a blast to make! It is #142937 and the photo was accepted!
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by IndyHaine
@4741119 Aaah it's so cute! Thank you so much for participating in this challenge! 🙂
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by 4741119
1 year, 12 months ago by Miacatbb
@IndyHaine I'm sorry I might not be able to complete your pattern in time for the deadline but I will post a picture of you pattern soon!
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by IndyHaine
@Miacatbb don't worry! The deadline was more of a guideline than a set rule anyway. I just had to give one because I think there are a lot of people like me who don't get anything done without one 😄Please don't stress yourself! |
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by IndyHaine
Hi! Now that we're halfway through, I thought I'd check in with everyone who I haven't heard of yet. Just to check if we need anyone to take over for anyone else. There's no rush, the deadline is still on the 26th. 🙂Just let me know in a quick message whether you're still participating in this challenge @Math_Geek @SmileSnake @Trakehner @sage-wolf @behappy8 Thank you in advance for letting me know! I hope nobody else drops out but I'd rather know sooner than later, so I thought I'd check up. 🙂 |
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by SmileSnake
@IndyHaine I’m still doing the challenge. I’ve started the bracelet, and I’m almost done 🙂
1 year, 12 months ago by Trakehner
Hi! I'm only partway done, but I will finish it soon!