Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by sage-wolf
*[this is a roleplay as well as a bracelet challenge. the focus of this challenge is learning new bracelet techniques, but you will also create an oc for the roleplaying aspect of this. please try to stay in character in the forum but if you have any irl questions pm me 😉]**[ How this works is i will be your teacher and you will be the class. you will be graded based on your bracelet making, but be careful because if you get an f 3 times or miss 3 rounds you might be expelled! also, if you cause trouble in the roleplaying aspect (you could do this on purpose by saying “i set the school on fire” or roleplaying as a bully, but you’ll probably be expelled if you do that so i wouldn’t recommend it. your characters can post here anytime if you want to add to the roleplay. ]* hello all! i am Mx. Wolfie, your headmaster here at Evermore Bracelet Academy. I hope you’ve all had a great day. Today we are opening enrollment for our brand new bracelet academy, Evermore! This is a 20-week school *[10 rounds lasting 2 weeks each]* where you will learn lots about bracelets. Each couple weeks, i will explain a new technique for your bracelets, and you’ll submit photos as homework. to enroll, please copy and paste the form below and fill in your information where mine is *[your CHARACTER’S information]* *[ oh! also, your character is permitted one power, and i’ll find an advantage you get based on it! it can be stuff like “i can fly” and i might say your advantage is that you can avoid detention by flying away.]* *[ detention? oh yes! if you get detentionm you will have less days to finish your bracelet!]* *[when you use your favorite color in your creation you get extra points!!]* Name: Wolfie Pronouns: any Species: demon Favorite color: yellow Positive personality trait: wise negative personality trait: strict Power: has visions *[ i can see what you do lol]* |
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by sage-wolf
oh and i forgot to mention.. at the end of the semester *[challenge]* i will award prizes to both the valedictorian *[first place]*, who will win one of their patterns being made by me and a shoutout in my bio forever! and the salutatorian *[second place]* will also win one of their patterns being made by me.
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by kindcat
I have my period soooo I need to go to the bathroom and SkIp ClAsS…. Jk sounds fun 🤩
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by kindcat
@name kcat
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by kindcat
@name Kcat Pronouns: ShE Species: Demon Fav color: Black/white/yellow/red/green/blue ☺️ Positive personality trait: idk teachers pet tho Negative personality trait: mischievous Power: I always have cheats lol idk
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by nonhuman
@name Luna Pronouns: she/her Species: witch Favorite color: purple Positive personality trait: pretty Negative personality trait: dumb Power: can cast spells |
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by sage-wolf
@kindcat @nonhuman welcome Cat and Luna! you two will be roommates so try to get to know each other before school starts (feb 20th for anyone wondering silly me didn’t post it above!) i think you’ll get along splendid
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by violasrule
woahhhh this is such a cool idea and last i was like "haha no way im gonna have time to join and do this" but this morning i woke up and was like "HAH I HAVE TO DO THIS"Name: Willow Pronouns: she/they Species: vampire Favorite color: silver Positive personality trait: Kind ig Negative personality trait: procrastinates. a lot. Power: Steal light from a room (like make it entirely dark) |
2 years, 1 month ago by Beezee13
@name BrennaPronouns: she/her Species: Witch Favorite color: green/blue (blue for the sake of the challenge) Positive personality trait: smart Negative personality trait: procrastinates Power: Super speed |
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by sage-wolf
@Beezee13 @violasrule welcome welcome! you two will be roommates. i hope you get along well!
2 years, 1 month ago by peteypie21
@name joshPronouns: he/him Species: hobbit Favorite color: blue Positive personality trait: hungry negative personality trait: hungry Power: can eat a lot |
2 years, 1 month ago by srimpy
@name bucketPronouns: she/they Species: demon Favorite color: pastel red Positive personality trait: kind negative personality trait: odd Power: can grow on command |
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by sage-wolf
@srimpy @peteypie21 welcome umm. josh and bucket. get to know each other and i hope you get along well since you’re roommates!
2 years, 1 month ago by peteypie21
in fancy lad voice "so your bucket hmmmm"
2 years, 1 month ago by srimpy
@peteypie21 *says in goblin voice”hmmm yezz I amm.and your? Joshh?
2 years, 1 month ago by peteypie21
"no I'm an ape eating a banana. yes I'm josh who did you think I was"
2 years, 1 month ago by srimpy
“Oh your josh i thought you were a banana peel
2 years, 1 month ago by peteypie21
"well I know for fact that you are'
2 years ago by Bayane_B
@name Bingopronouns: he species: goast favorite color: white positive personality trait: energic, happy power: I can eat everything If there are spelling mistakes, it's because I'm French. don't hesitate to tell me |
2 years ago by srimpy
@sage-wolf excuse me teacher these chairs re uncomfortable can I sit on the floor ad learn