Christmas vs Thanksgiving signups
2 years, 4 months ago by _vivi_f
Omg I’m excited for this one
Ok so basically I’m going to need 10+ people to sign up and you going to need to be active in order to do this competition. Below are the requirements
And things

1. must text here daily in the challenge (this sounds weird but I need to know if you guys are gonna quit or stay in the comp)

2. I pair you up with someone doing the opposite side than you ( if someone does thanksgiving and you do Christmas the odds of you getting paired up with that person is 50/50)

3 the person that wins the comp goes up and challenges the next person that wins

4 you guys will have certain patterns for bracelets you must tell me when you sign up if you prefer normal, alphas, or u don’t care

5 you must make that bracelet within a certain time period I’d also prefer if you’d tell me if you like keychains bracelets or wall hangings more

6 if someone doesn’t finish within that certain time period then they are automatically disqualified u have 4 days after being given your pattern to complete it.

7 if there is an odd number of people that are in the challenge i will join and the jury will judge ( if there is no jury majority wins and u guys get to pick)

8 sign ups end November 14th make sure to sign up!

9 if there are less people in the challenge then we will have to work with that number of people or I will extend the sign ups date

Ok so now you’ve read the rules and stuff now I will tell you what you are being judged on and winners prizes

-neat edges (0-10)
-nice ends (0-10)
-presentation (0-10)
-background (0-10)

if you have any questions make sure to @ me in the comments


🥇u get an air hug, promo in my bio for 3 months,
friend request, and 5 star ratings on all ur patterns and the pro bracelet maker award forever in my heart❤️❤️

🥈u r pretty darn good so u still get air hug promo in my bio for 2 months and 5 stars on 5 patterns of your choice, friend requests and the award of 2nd pro bracelet maker award in my heart ❤️❤️

🥉you still did amazing 3rd place out of 10+ or less people so congratulations u get promo in my
bio for 1 month 5 stars on 1 of your patterns and friend request. you also get third best bracelet maker in my heart❤️❤️

ok so good luck and due date will be posted on actual christmas vs thanksgiving contest!
2 years, 4 months ago by Ellie_1011
This actually sounds like a really fun challenge I would love to participate! I do prefer normal patterns and bracelets, but I can make keychains too.
2 years, 4 months ago by _vivi_f
@Ellie_1011 will do! ur the first person to apply so congrats! i will give you two patterns to choose from (normal ofc and bracelets) so what side are you on christmas or thanksgiving?
2 years, 4 months ago by Ellie_1011
Can I be on the Christmas side please?
2 years, 4 months ago by _vivi_f
yea ofc!
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by cristelia
Wow, this sounds cool! I would love to join and be on Thanksgiving side. 😎
2 years, 4 months ago by _vivi_f
@cristelia what do you prefer? Bracelets, keychains, or wall hangings
2 years, 4 months ago by _vivi_f
And @cristelia do you want to use alphas or normals?
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by dracula
Hi! I’d like to join on the Christmas side, i’d like it to be an alpha keychain. Thanks!
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by cristelia
I would prefer an alpha wallhanging.
2 years, 4 months ago by SarahKn0ts
i would love to join the challenge 😍
2 years, 4 months ago by SarahKn0ts
can i be the christmas side and i dont care what type of bracelet it is but
2 years, 4 months ago by SarahKn0ts
i would prefer an alpha keychain
2 years, 4 months ago by _vivi_f
2 years, 4 months ago by Ellie_1011
Just to make sure I read the directions right and know everything I need to do, I need to send a message in this chat in here daily right? Or is that just for when the challenge officially starts.
2 years, 4 months ago by Ellie_1011
Also, I know I wrote in the beginning that I would prefer normal patterns. This is still true however I was looking at a lot of the Christmas patterns and they were mostly alphas. I don't want to make you have to look for too long so you can choose an alpha pattern for me.
2 years, 4 months ago by _vivi_f
@Ellie_1011 yes it is when the challenge starts but it would be nice for everyone to do it now so I know you guys are active
2 years, 4 months ago by _vivi_f
And @Ellie_1011 I have already found a normal pattern for Christmas so no need to worry!
2 years, 4 months ago by Ellie_1011
Thank you!
Bracelet King
2 years, 3 months ago by MaeveMakes
Sry that I'm late but if you need any other players I'm interested.