Wizard of Oz-Challenge Info
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by 2006_Mandy
I have always loved the Wizard Of Oz as a child and so this will be a Wizard Of Oz Challenge. For this challenge I’m going to closely follow the format which @AmzgAndrea used in the past. Basically there will be 7 rounds each with the following themes:1. Somewhere Over The Rainbow 2. Ding Dong The Wicked Witch Is Dead 3. The Lollipop Gill 4. Follow The Yellow Brick Road 5. If I Only Had A Heart 6. Emerald City 7. There’s No Place Like Home For every round you can earn bonus points by including a character or scene reference in any way so long as it relates to the Wizard of Oz. I’ll post the point system later but you can join/skip any round. Each round will be two weeks long (for the most part) but you can do past rounds at any point. I’ll post the instructions for round one soon but let me know in this forum if you want to join. Links for all rounds will be posted in my bio in case you want to go back and do a round that you missed. |