🔥🔥Bracelet prize included!! / NEW CHALLENGE MODE: "UNITE TO SURPRISE A FELLOW USER" 🔥🔥 page 2
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by Duesenberg
Hello to all the current and ex- participants of my challenge:


Thank you very much again for jour curiousity to try out this new format!

I just wanted to remind you all that the winner will be announced on the 11th of October on Zurich time.

Today, where I live it is the 10th October, and somewhere on the world there might still be the nineth. Exactly for this reason of time difference, I built in a 24h time buffer for you to upload your pictures.

Just wanted to remind you to upload the photos if you can, if you haven't already done so.

I have lost track a litte bit of who dropped out and who already uploaded. So if I see that a majority of you haven't finished yet, I would agree to extend the deadline by some days.

Have a nice day everybody!

Thank you again and happy knotting! 👍😇😃😘
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by 6212
@duesenburg let me know if you do another one of these challenges I wasn’t able to do this one cuz I was busy with school
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by 6212
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by 6212
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by SusuKnots
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by crafter83
Thanks for the reminder, I’ll post a pic today
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by Rowsitt
i feel super terrible but i was just about to finish the bracelet but i’ve lost it…. and i can’t seem to find it anywhere 😞 if i find it and finish it, i will let you know if it’s submitted. but as of right now, i don’t think i will be able to finish it. please let me know if you do another challenge like this. thank you so much. this was such a good idea 😊
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by crafter83
Photo accepted. #57463
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by Duesenberg
Hello everybody




Here is a message from me, although it might not quite be the one you have been waiting for and I need your help.

In the last hour or so, I have tried to get an overview over this challenge and tried to find out the winner.

Total willing to participate: 25 people
Total submissions:
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by Duesenberg
Definitely dropped out: 4 people, if I understood your messages correctly

So we are missing about half the uploads, some for very good reasons, some for none.

Could you please help me and tell me as soon as possible, if:

-you wish the deadline to be extended or
-if you wish to drop out.

AND if you would wish to re-participate if there is a next challenge of this format.

Thank you very much for helping me with this, so that I can announce the winner as soon as possible.

All that's left to do for me here is saying thank you to you all for your interest to try out something new and participate in my challenge.

Stay safe all together, happy knotting!! 😘
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by Duesenberg
Sorry, just forgot the number of submissions: 6 (it's the six top ones I mentiond in my previous post)
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by Rowsitt
i have to drop out. 🙁 i’m sorry
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by Rennee
Hello Duesenberg, if there is another challenge in this format, I will definitely be happy to participate if my limited time allows. I work in healthcare and the Covid wave is getting stronger again, unfortunately...
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by Duesenberg
Hello everybody




Thank you very much for yoir replies!

I will extend the deadline until the 30th of October. So on the 1st if November, I will announce the winner, this time for good.

I am very excited to let you know who the winner will be!
There's some very good entries close to perfection, but who knows, maybe there's some of you going to mix up the podium? 😉😃

Remeber the bracelet should have at least six repetitions, so that I can judge on some decent length.

Take care everyone, Happy knotting and stay safe! 😘
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by Duesenberg
Hello everybody




I just wanted to remind you quickly of doing the upload of your pictures. Stay tuned for the revelation of the winner, likely in the evening of November 1st, Zurich time.

Happy uploading! 😍
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by bby_Brooke
I cant join rn obviously but next time u do this i wanna join, but i think u should allow keychains
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by SusuKnots
hi so like i think ive told u a few times that i had to drop out of this challenge? lmao so im not like mad or anything but pls can u stop tagging me in these
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by alivetoliv
My photo was submitted. 🙂
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by alivetoliv
@Duesenberg phot was accepted. #64442
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by Duesenberg
Hello Everyone!

@chaosarti, @goldflower, @Rennee, @crafter83, @LazyPerson, @_15Nora-
@SusuKnots, @6212, @cristelia, @Hend_

@pasteltrin, @apples123, @141594, @sameenar, @Night_Owl, @alivetoliv
@vntxgedays, @funny3295, @KoolKat22 ,@sb-creator, @1111233
@Rowsitt, @leviOsa_09, @Fronkie, @blac_h, @bby_Brooke

@Racoon, @Odanak1811, @KrazyKnotz, @halokiwi

This is the moment you were all waiting for.

I am finally going to reveal the winners of this first challenge in the new format.

The format was: Unite to surprise a fellow user.

@SamsArt: I chose you to be the SECRET user of this challenge.
Everyone participating wants to say thank you for your beautiful patterns and the enormous amount of time you invest in creating them.
In order to say Thank you, we knotted and uploaded as many patterns as we could.

Amongst these submissions, I will now reveal the three medalists, congratulations, you three!

1st Place: _15Nora- / Pattern 120074 / Prize: normal bracelet 0- 35 strings
2nd Place: goldflower / Pattern 78099 / Prize: normal bracelet 0- 25 strings
3rd Place: alivetoliv / Pattern 64442 / Prize: normal bracelet 0- 15 strings

Winners: Please get back to me about which bracelet you wish me knotting for you.
However, if you are not comfortable with sharing your address details with me in order to mail you your bracelet prize, I got other ideas of how I could give you a prize, just tell me, what you prefer.

Now after winners are revealed, all there is left to say is:

This is a new challenge format and I tagged you supermoderators to be aware of it. If you wish, I allow you to start official challenges in this format,
if you think it could be beneficial to the site, to have a 3rd official format next to the monthly and BI-weekly challenges.

Since it was the first challenge of this format, I didn't know how well it would be recieved and therefore I left it kind of open how to continue with it.
Because it is the goal to always spot different secret users from Skillers up to Braceletking, and everybody has different favourites and idols on the site, two eyes see more than one.
Therefore, I could imagine to pass on the lead to the winner of this challenge, in this case, it would be @_15Nora-.

However, if a winner does not wish to take on the work of hosting a challenge, or struggles to find a new secret user, they can either leave it up to me or maybe ask one of the moderators of the site, since they accept patterns and know best and most what's going on on the site.
Moderators and @_15Nora-: please get back to me how you think about it, I would appreciate your feedback.

From what I know, there are already all the following users who would love to participate in a next challenge of the same format:


I sincerely hope I haven't forgotten to mention anyone, if I did, it wasn't with any bad intention and I am very sorry for it.

Thank you all very much again for daring this experiment, thank you SamsArt again for your magnificent and beautiful patterns, they are from another planet to me, beautifully to knot and the style is amazing!

I wish you all the very best. Take care and continue to knot on happily! 😘
