multi-theme challenge
2 years, 5 months ago by Bayane_B
Hello everyone
here is the 1st multi-theme challenge. the theme is star wars. Registration is available until September 1st.
you will have to return your bracelet to me on September 8th. during each round I will eliminate 2 people. I give you the models.

here are the models: #103187, #49540, #127426, #131131, #117446, #106599, #106881

for future qualified the next theme will be the minions. I am French so if you do not understand do not hesitate to ask me I will answer you in English. here are the prices:

1st prize: 5 stars out of 10 patterns, variations of your patterns and friend request
2nd prize: ORGANIC, 5 stars out of 7 patterns, friend request, and variations of your patterns!
and for everyone 5 stars out of 3 of your bosses