Presents for my sister advise
3 years, 2 months ago by Tarzan
hello! my big sister is going to be 22 on januari 8, and i plan to make a collection of bracelets for her birthday.
i already have selected the colors but i just cant chose patterns.
any suggestions or which one(or more) on my to-do list is a good one?
3 years, 2 months ago by Giovannafa
@Tarzan Hi I'm @Giovannafa! I think you should make #61213. This pattern is very nice! 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Karo-H
#89619 this for casual wear can be very pretty! #27381 this one is just WOW, perfect to astonish people with your gift!

Also, some bracelets are super cute to wear but not as good for at your Workplace 🙁 . Some more acceptable ones are the more geometric shapes and abstract pieces like #104332 #108589 or #566 (for the neutral colors and "simplicity" of the design). So it depends on what your sister does (if she works already. Some 22-year-olds are in university while others are graduated/working already. It differs but it can be a factor in choosing the perfect bracelet!). That being said, she doesn't have to wear it to work and could be equally happy with those awesome daisy chains! 🙈

But in the end, I'm sure she will love WHATEVER you make because you made it especially for her! I know it sounds cliche, but it is far more honor to have someone spend time on you than it is when someone spends money on you. The time it took you to make this precious gift yourself will certainly be appreciated! So good luck! 😊
3 years, 2 months ago by Tarzan
thank you so much for the advise! i totally can work with this 🙂