💥cartoon challenge (prizes)💥
3 years, 6 months ago by rain4knots
cartoon challenge!
any alpha or normal that has something from a cartoon in.
step one find a pattern and post it in a comment so I can ok it. here are some examples of patterns you can use #94600, #20612, #96805, #53849 or #93487.
step two start the pattern the post a picture and comment on this challenge that you are done and link the pattern.
the due date is July 30 but contact me if you need more time
first palce get there username in my bio, 5 stars on all your patterns, my favorite pattern of yours in my bio and a friend request.
Second place gets a friend request, their username in my bio for at least a month and 5 stars on all their patterns.
3 place gets a friend request and 5 stars on all their pattern.

good luck and can't wait to see your patterns. 🙂
3 years, 6 months ago by katieshawg
omg thank u for choosing my pattern! 🤍