Giant Bracelet Competition! sign ups
3 years, 8 months ago by Jewelknots
Hello, welcome to the giant bracelet competition here are the rules:❤️ can't drop out ( if you need to then, of course, you can leave) ❤️must follow the theme ❤️submit bracelet by the deadline, if multiple people need more time I will make the deadline longer ❤️ lastly know how to do alphas and normals ok so now you know the rules let me explain how this will work for every challenge, you'll have 1 week to complete your item 🎉 every week (or longer if the deadline is extended and shorter if all of the bracelets are done) I will give a new theme. also I may make a theme where you will work in teams. depending on how many people join is how long the challenge will be because one person will be eliminated every week. the max limit for this challenge is 15 people and there need to be at least 7 people so make sure to join before all the spots are filled up! ❤️ 👍 😊 if you get first in the week's challenge you get a friend request and immunity for the next week. but for the grand finale, there will be no immunity for anyone for second and third there will be no prizes but you do have bragging rights 😄 when the grand finale comes I will announce the grand prizes! ❤️ 🔥 when all signups are complete I will make a new post on the 1st challenge! thx for reading through this! hope to see you in the challenge! ❤️ |
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by abbey10
Can I join?
3 years, 8 months ago by Jewelknots