Bracelet face off! round 5: semifinals!
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _dreamer
Hello hello! So unfortunately signups for this challenge already happened so only the people tagged below can participate🙁@indigo127 @HannahB04 and @kendallc5 Congratulations on making it to the semi finals! So that means this week you are completing for one of the two spots in the finals! So you know the basic rules like having the hashtag in your pictures and telling me when your photo is accepted... but for this week in particular you DO NOT have to tell me the pattern number before you make it you just have to tell me when it is accepted so your message should be like... “My picture of #78464 has been accepted!” (But it obviously doesn’t have to be that pattern) So this week is a bit different then past weeks! It will be.. you have to make as many bracelets as you can in a week! So you will have to (obviously) make (and post pictures of) as many bracelets/keychains/wall hangings as you can! And this week you will not be judged on the quality of your bracelets just how many you make! So the way it will work is a points system (which I will put below) and don’t worry I will keep track of your points! But you do have to make sure to tell me when every one of you pictures are accepted! It’s also easier for me if you tell me as they are accepted not all at once! Here is the points system... Normal keychains: 15-25 strings and a keychain =2 points, Alpha keychains: 15-25 strings and a keychain =3 points, Normal bracelet: 8-10 strings =2 points, Alpha bracelet: 8-10 strings =3 points, Normal bracelet: 10-14 strings =3 points, Alpha bracelet: 10-14 strings =4 points, Normal bracelet: 14-18 strings =4 points, Alpha bracelet: 14-18 strings =5 points, Normal bracelet: 18+ strings =5 points, Alpha bracelet: 18+ strings =6 points, Normal Tapestry: 30+ strings =10 points, Wallhanging: 30+ strings =12 points, Loop =1 point, Triangle end/s =1 point, If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me! Oh and the loop and triangle ends are like extra points you can’t just post a picture of a loop for a point! The deadline this week will be... March 9th! But... that brings me to @HannahB04’s advantage (since she won last week) her advantage is she gets an extra day so her deadline is March 10th! And since next round is the finale the winner will get an advantage but it will be a small one🙁 so that is why I will be giving the winner this week a shoutout in my bio until the (whole) challenge ends! Now I also thought since this is the seminals you should get to know the prizes! (DISCLAIMER this is the prizes for the winner of the ultimate face of so that will be next round! I just thought you might want to know what you are competing for) Prizes! Shoutout in bio until 2022, Custom profile picture (optional), Custom pattern (optional), I will rate all of your patterns 5 stars, Friend request (if we aren’t already friends), Good luck to everyone and happy knotting! (Also sorry for the long post) |
3 years, 10 months ago by kendallc5
Hey just one question a lot of times my photos get excepted about 2 days after I submit them what if I finish a bracelet on March 9th and I submit a photo but it doesn't get excepted until after?
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _dreamer
@kendallc5 that is a very good question so I will tag everyone! @HannahB04 @indigo127 so I think it usually only takes a few hours for pictures to be accepted... so I will give you one day after your deadline where you can’t submit pictures but it is just an extra day for them to be accepted! So for @kendallc5 and @indigo127 March 10th will be your day that you can just have your pictures accepted and for @HannahB04 it will be March 11th
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _dreamer
Does that answer your question @kendallc5 ?
3 years, 10 months ago by kendallc5
Yes thank you!
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by HannahB04
Wow this is a lot, can’t wait to get started.
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by HannahB04
Also so, after I’ve finished a bracelet, I tell you I finished, pattern blank?
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _dreamer
@HannahB04 once your picture is accepted you say my photo of pattern #(whatever it is) has been accepted
3 years, 10 months ago by indigo127
I am so, so very sorry, but I will be unable to participate this week. I am so sorry to drop out this close to the end, and I hope it won’t be a huge inconvenience to you.😭
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _dreamer
@indigo127 oh ok😭 is there anything I can do so you don’t have to drop out?
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _dreamer
@indigo127 HELLO???
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _dreamer
@kendallc5 and @HannahB04 hiiiii! So unfortunately @indigo127 has dropped out so I want you to decide if you want to finish this round or if I should just post the next round now!?
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by HannahB04
I think I’d prefer that, because I don’t really want to make a whole bunch of bracelets.
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by HannahB04
Because my week is going to be really busy. So i wouldn’t have much time.
3 years, 10 months ago by kendallc5
Yeah I would like that better also
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _dreamer
@kendallc5 @HannahB04 ok then!
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _dreamer
@indigo127 would you like to be tagged in the next bracelet face off?