Spread the Love challenge
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Godluvsu
Hey there!

With valentines day coming up, I thought I would do a challenge with a love them! ❤️ For this challenge make a knotted creation for someone you love, then give it to them on valentines day! 😊

Due date is February 14th, no extensions because the point is to give it to them on valentines day to show them they are loved ❤️

this is a great opportunity to make someone happy who might otherwise have a sad valentines day because I know that is the reality for some people. 🙂

I will choose 2 winners, I will make a pattern of theirs or one they want to see a photo of (minimal rules apply) and they will get a shoutout. There will be a honorable mention who also gets a shoutout.

Feel free to explain who you chose and why you are making them what you are.

And tag me in the chat or message me with any questions.

Wishing y'all a happy valentines day! Much love,

@Godluvsu ❤️ ❤️ ❤️