🤣Random number generator challenge!🤣 Partners (Prizes)
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
Hi, welcome to the challenge. This is how it works. You go yo this website https://www.google.com/search?q=random+number+generator&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS906US906&oq=random&aqs=chrome.0.69i59i433i457j69i57j0i433l4j69i60l2.2333j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 put it from 1 to 69774 and whatever pattern you get is what you have to make for the challenge you tell me what pattern you got in the forum and if you don't like the pattern you got you have 3 times to reload it and whichever pattern you like best is the pattern you have to make and after you are done making the pattern tell me in the forum so I could check it out. And the challenge ends on January 25. Ok, good luck and I hope you consider joining us.First place: I will like every pattern you made no matter how many you have I don't care if you have 6000 patterns I will like every single one. And if you don't have any patterns I will double your time in my bio speaking of bio first place gets to be in my bio for 6 months and also I will follow you on insta and I will make any pattern you want me too I will make alpha below 25 strings and normals under 16 strings. Second place: I will like every pattern you made no matter how many you have I don't care if you have 6000 patterns I will like every single one. And if you don't have any patterns I will double your time in my bio speaking of bio second place gets to be in my bio for 4 months and I will follow you on insta. Third place: I will like every pattern you made no matter how many you have I don't care if you have 6000 patterns I will like every single one. And if you don't have any patterns I will double your time in my bio speaking of bio third place gets to be in my bio for 2 months. Forths place: you get to be in my bio for 1 month and you also get bragging rights. So if this sounds fun and you want some cool prizes join. 😊 😇 😍 |
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
pls join 😊
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
enyone 😊
4 years ago by Haleigh_77
I will join
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
@Haleigh_77 yay make sure to tell me what pattern you got
4 years ago by Haleigh_77
Ok doing it right now
4 years ago by Haleigh_77
I got 31525
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
@Haleigh_77 cool 😂
4 years ago by Haleigh_77
Lol why did you use the laugh face?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
@Haleigh_77 It's funny because that pattern looks so nice and when I tried to do it I only got patterns I didn't like.
4 years ago by Haleigh_77
Lol I usually do the same thing I guess just luck
4 years ago by Haleigh_77
If you would like me to do it again I will
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
@Haleigh_77 no no i love that pattern it depends if want to make it you have 3 tries remember.
4 years ago by Haleigh_77
I will make it
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
@Haleigh_77 can't wait to see it 😊
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
😜 someone else pls join it will be super fun. 😜
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
join enyone pls
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Maky_Wacky
I’ll join!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
@Maky_Wacky yay tell me what pattern you got 😊
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uni22play
join pls 😊