Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by FrayedKnot
@Leanadf1 Yes, you can!Everybody else, I will be posting the winners everywhere mentioned in the first comment in the challenge in about 30 minutes (or sooner 👍!) starting with the honorable mention. Sadly, @Ellie_duck you didn't complete your entry on time. (If your photo was accepted recently, please let me know) @Leanadf1 @juliannagh @oceanknot @Iknot @Fluffball @Addie_bug @didesign @Mhetland34 @derin16_ @virgilante @Puppy12345 @ananya123 @solyana_k1 and @PotatoPeel |
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by FrayedKnot
@adidesign ^^ last message
4 years, 1 month ago by Leanadf1
Photo posted
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by FrayedKnot
Thank you to everyone who joined! I enjoyed looking at all of your creations, and the decisions that I had to make today were... painful, to say the least, as I loved each and every one of your entries. The honorable mention goes too....... drumroll please! @hamster4 . I love the idea of a tiny wallhanging! You inspired me to make one too! I will message you tomorrow 🙂 Your prize is: (You will get a) Shout-out in my bio until Saturday, December 5th, 2020. (If neither the winner nor the runner-up wants to pick the theme for my December Challenge, you will) I also just want to give a shoutout (in this forum only) to @Leanadf1 , as the pattern they submitted was their first alpha, and it looks STUNNING! @Leanadf1 @juliannagh @oceanknot @Iknot @Fluffball @Addie_bug @adidesign @Mhetland34 @derin16_ @virgilante @Puppy12345 @ananya123 @solyana_k1 and @PotatoPeel |
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by FrayedKnot
So, for the winner and runner-up, they were so close I had to judge them off of the "extras"The runner-up of my November challenge is.... drumroll, please..... @ananya123 I loved your pumpkin bracelet! I loved how straight the edges were, how perfect the triangle ends were, and just the bracelet overall! Thanks for joining! I hope that you enjoyed! I will message you tomorrow 🙂 ○ Shout-out in my bio until December 15th, 2020 ○ *I SWITCHED THIS OUT* I will rate one of your patterns ✰✰✰✰✰, and I will also make one of your patterns and add a photo. (If you don't have patterns, we can discuss alternatives). @Leanadf1 @juliannagh @oceanknot @Iknot @Fluffball @Addie_bug @adidesign @Mhetland34 @derin16_ @virgilante @Puppy1234 @solyana_k1 and @PotatoPeel |
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by FrayedKnot
As I said, choosing the winner was tough. I was between @ananya123 's bracelet and yours! I finally choose one based on "the extras" (extra elements, such as a bead or tassel).THE WINNER OF MY NOVEMBER CHALLENGE, "COLOR ALPHA CHALLENGE (WINNERS AND REWARDS)!!!" ISSSSSS... DRUMROLL, PLEASE..... @virgilante !! 🎉 I love the creative execution of the pattern, making it a bookmark with a bead and tassel! I also loved the photography and the use of variegated string! I will message you tomorrow 🙂 Your prizes are: ○ Get to pick the next theme for my December Challenge. ○ Shout-out in my bio until January 1st, 2021. ○ I will rate one of your patterns ✰✰✰✰✰. ○ I will add one of your patterns to my loves. ○ I will make one of your patterns and add a picture (with exceptions) P.S. I love Dune 😄, and you will be expected to participate in my December Challenge, however, you do not have to (😉). @Leanadf1 @juliannagh @oceanknot @Iknot @Fluffball @Addie_bug @adidesign @Mhetland34 @derin16_ @virgilante @Puppy12345 @ananya123 @solyana_k1 and @PotatoPeel Thank you to everyone who joined! @hamster4 @ananya123 and @virgilante you guys will be receiving your prizes shortly! I hope you enjoyed and will consider joining my December challenge, @FrayedKnot (Calli) |
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by PotatoPeel
Good jon everyone! Loved your creations! This was such a fun challenge i hope i can participate in the next one ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by PotatoPeel
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by ananya123
YAY!! 🎉 🎉Thank you so much!!! I loved how unique this challenge was. Like the honorable mention, and the runner up, and the winner. I loved how this was planned out!!!!! 🎉 😘