Pattern makers challenge🧵Winner+prize❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Godluvsu
Welcome to…the pattern makers challenge!! 😘Wait…what’s that? Its simple! The point is you make someones patterns and then you get your patterns made!! Yay!! How? The rules are simple. You must have at least ten patterns in all. You must have two alpha patterns that have under sixteen strings. You must also have two normal patterns that have under sixteen strings. Then you comment below, and make a pattern of the person who commented before you and post a photo! The first person to enter gets to make one of my patterns. The second person to enter makes one of the first person who enters patterns, and so on. 🤪 You must be able to complete this in time to be able to enter. It would be really disappointing to enter but not have your pattern made. So just make sure you have enough time to enter!! 🤪 I will make the last persons pattern, so they get their pattern made! This might be obvious, but yes make sure to POST A PHOTO, ❤️ 😂. To enter please put “ I am entering.” That way it”s easy to see the last person who entered. 🔥 🔥 🔥 The due date is December 1st. 🔥 🔥 🔥 I am excited to see if anyone enters!! 😲 Happy knotting!! Please private message me ANY questions about the challenge below. ❤️- @Godluvsu- |