bracelet making timer challenge
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 2006_Mandy
The point of this challenge is to form yourself making a bracelet so you can improve your speed and consistently Ive made challenges in the past and not many people participate so I hope you guys like this challenge. It isn’t a competition who makes their bracelets the fastest it’s just fun to see how long each bracelet actually takes you to make. To participate please do the following: -Tell me in this forum that you are participating if you’d like -time your bracelet and let me know how long it took you. -if possible make another bracelet of the same time and compare the time it took you to the previous time. -post a picture and if possible include the time it took you to make the bracelet somewhere in the photo. Again none of that is necessary but you can if you’d like and I think it’s a good challenge for me to try so I will as well 😊 |