Recreation chalange
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by jeje_mko

So this challenge will be making one of @Racoon photos withe the same pattern and for bonus points try to recreat the background and fore some super bonus points recreat the colors.

The due date is the 30th of September 2020

If more then you people particpat there would be first second and third

The prize fore first place will be a shout out me recreation one of you're 16- normal patterns and posting a photo (if you have any)
Second place will win a shout out
And third place would be me making on of you're 16- normal patterns and posting a photo ( if you have any)

Coment the pattern 5ha5 u will be making and @jene_mko in the comments

BTW 5his is part one 5her will be 5 more parts

Ant th photos will be jujed by points