I am getting braces help!!!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Firecorn
So i am getting braces can you guys answer these questions:

How much pain

What can i eat

Do you get any anesthesia
4 years, 7 months ago by peanutse
Ok there’s going to be pain the first three day so I suggest to eat ASAP
4 years, 7 months ago by peanutse
At first you can eat almost anything day 2 I could not chew mashed potatoes I had to swallow them whole
4 years, 7 months ago by beachyknot
The pain is usually like 3 days but then it’s fine
4 years, 7 months ago by beachyknot
I suggest chewing harder things more slowly but pretty much anything
4 years, 7 months ago by beachyknot
And no there is no need for any anaesthesia
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Basilology
When you first get your braces, it hurts like crazy. But after a few days, it gets better. Anything soft like pasta works great. Also, if you like apples, cut them into LITTLE pieces especially in the first few days. No, I don't think you get anesthetics when you get your braces.
4 years, 7 months ago by peanutse
You get no anesthesia because it does not hurt when they put them on 😉 but maybe take pain medicine to reduce the pain but you do not have to and some helpful tips chew Lots and lots of gum on the first day 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Clairaland
Braces dont hurt until they tighten them...eat popsicles to cope with the pain of the first week of having them...i already had braces, its not that bad..I ate everything..sure i popped a few brackets but Ehhh...
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by rumpleknot
take advil/ Tylenol before you get in the chair or before you appointment, eat soft foods cause they will be pain but no super bad depends on you pain tolerance. ask if you can wear earbuds in the chair to listen to music cause it’ll take awhile😂 good luck!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by ShivaniS
Honestly for me, it didn't start hurting until the second day. You'll probably get a bunch of sores from the brackets scratching your inner mouth, but if you use Orajel it should ease the pain. Eat softer foods that can easily be swallowed and make sure to check if you got any food stuck between your brackets after you eat!
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by poplianna
I got braces a few years ago and now there off but my brother just got them they didn’t really hurt much for either of us until the second or third day and only lasted a day or two and you can eat anything the orthodontist says you can but I do have to say that both me and my brother had a bracket fall of within the first couple days and I’m not sure if it’s normal or not but mine was the very back one and left a wire poking me in the back of my mouth I was eating sloppy joe so it just kinda happens
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by marvel21
I currently have bracelets and I'm going to get them off at the end of the month. I would say that the pain isn't that bad, you can eat softer foods (no hard stuff cause it can break your brackets, and no popcorn cause it can get stuck in your teeth and it's harder to remove), no there are no anesthetics. A bit of advice, wear your rubber bands when you're supposed to. If you do wear them then the treatment will go by faster. Also, if you're really craving popcorn there are these chips called PopCorners that I LOVED cause they're so similar to popcorn and there's a kettle corn flavor that was just AMAZING! Hope this helps! ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by rumpleknot
@marvel21 i always ate popcorn (carefully) when i had braces, the kernels did get stuck but i didn’t break any brackets!😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by marvel21
@rumpleknot Yeah I know some people do, but the one time I ate popcorn it got stuck in my teeth and it hurt a lot. 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by hottamales
The actually process off PUTTING ON the braces doesn’t hurt, but that night it will hurt a lot. I would recommend buying jello, pudding, ice cream, mashed potatoes, rice, applesauce, and yoghurt.
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by hottamales
Also, take Tylenol before your appt so the pain will be reduced. Additionally, apply Vaseline or ChapStik before the appt bc your lips will get chapped.
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by hottamales
Oh also I get mine off AUG 17th! 😃
4 years, 7 months ago by e-knudsen
it’s really different for everyone and what your pain tolerance is. for me i couldn’t even eat right after i got them and i could hardly chew a noodle but that also could just be me. but i ate mainly ramen and ma cb and cheese. you don’t get anesthesia but i suggest taking aspirin or tylenol before you go into the ortho. i hope this helped 😁
4 years, 7 months ago by AJDucky
How much pain
For me it honestly wasn't that bad. The first couple hours sucked but by the next day I was fine. But it varies person by person. Sometimes when I get a new wire it hurts more than actually getting them on.

What can i eat
The first "meal" I had was a milkshake 😂 but after that I pretty much ate normal food. It hurt a little but wasn't unbearable. After 2 days I was eating normal food without pain.

Do you get any anesthesia
I didn't. They just glue the brackets on with nasty tasting glue. DO NOT GET YOUR TONGUE NEAR THE GLUE IT TASTES SO BAD! (As you can see, I feel very strongly about the glue...) My Orthodonist said to take an Advil before getting my braces put on so maybe check with your parents because you could do that too.
good luck! it's gonna go great!