retainers after braces
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Elise64
So I am not getting a retainer anytime soon but I have some questions about them. If I had to wear it all day, would I be able to sing or would my voice sound weird? Could my retainer slip off if I went swimming or hiking or skateboarding or something because I feel like if it’s just a plastic thing it could probably slip off. Would it bother me if I was skateboarding or hiking and doing activities like that? I wouldn’t take it off if I was just sitting around in school or making bracelets or anything like that, but could I take it off if I am swimming or skateboarding or anything like that?
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by LPulsera
I’m not sure exactly, what type of retainer are you getting? Because my orthodontist said that once I get my braces off I’m going to have a permanent retainer that will just be some wires on the roof of my mouth and it won’t move, but I’m not sure about the ones you can take on and off
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Elise64
@LPulsera oh I don’t even know what type of retainer I am getting yet lol my mom just started talking about retainers and then I started thinking about them 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Elise64
I’m just scared it’ll be hard to do things like swimming and that i will feel my retainer all the time
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Elise64
and not enjoy doing things as much
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by kerrs
it all depends on what retainer you get! some people have to get the retainer that had the metal bar across your teeth which i believe you wear all day but i’m not 100% sure on that lol or sometimes you get clear ones that you only have to wear at night😁
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Elise64
I just want to know if you would notice it all the time and if it would be annoying
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Elise64
I really hope I don’t get a permanent retainer because I don’t want to wear it for the rest of my life
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Disney12
I’ve had the clear plastic retainer. It was hard at first but then you get used to it and don’t feel it at all. I don’t think it would make doing any of those activities hard. 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by BeadGirl16
Whatever you get, WEAR YOUR RETAINER! And if you lose it, you need to let the orthodontist know immediately so they can make you a new one.
4 years, 7 months ago by jdelauter
When you swim and do activities you can take it out a couple of hours without it won’t hurt also usually you wear it all day and night for a couple of weeks and then switch to only at night
4 years, 7 months ago by cam44
honestly, it doesn’t matter what type of retainer you get, as long as it fits like a glove. It will also depend on your ortho if you wear all day or just all night, personally I just wear mine at night because that’s all I need. Also, scrub it with a toothbrush and toothpaste, it keep its from looking and tasting nasty.
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Cirivere
I have the metal wire retainer which, if I remember correctly I'm supposed to wear for the rest of my life (it's essential glued to the back if my teeth?) I've had it for four or five years now and it's only really annoying with flossing, I can only really use toothpicks That beign said I only really notice I have the damned thing if I'm eating something hard and it pushes against the wire the tension of the wire will change a tad and I'll be feeling it for the rest of the day.... It's really not noticeable otherwise (Actually I googled it while writing this and you're supposed to keep it on till you're 35 at least, after which it can be removed if necessary, my aunt who is like 54 still has hers) |
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by busternoel
You normally have a permanent retainer on the first front teeth and then you wear the retainers at night
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by MimiPlayz
How bad do braces hurt? I was told I might get them and I want to be prepared.
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Elise64
@MimiPlayz for me, they only a hurt a few days after you get them on and get them adjusted
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Cirivere
@MimiPlayz every time you get new braces or when they adjust your current braces your teeth will be sore for a few days (though usually the first day is the worst and then it'll calm down), it doesn;t hurt outright, but it feels a tad strange and for me it felt like I had a big bruise except it was on my teeth 😂that being said, I did have one time where they didnt cut of the wire correctly at the end of the braces so it cut open my cheek from the inside, this normally shouldnt happen so notify your dentist and make an appointment asap to fix it if you have any sharp bits cutting the inside of your mouth |
4 years, 7 months ago by Ava7475
Personally, i am getting my braces off in a month and i will get the clear ones. I heard that you will have a lisp at first but once you get used to it you will talk just like normal, just like we have learned with braces. Hope this helps!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Elise64
@MimiPlayz i have braces on My top teeth and I just got spacers on my bottom teeth. When I got back they felt kind of tingly but then I bit down on a straw and they felt better 😂😂 but later they started to hurt really bad. It stops hurting I’m pretty sure, I could only eat ice cream today and smoothies or anything soft like that but my sister said that tomorrow I will probably be able to eat pancakes but I’m not sure. You will always need spacers for braces and sometimes you will need a palate expander, I had one for my top teeth but not the bottom ones, and if you do have a palate expander you will do spacers first. For a palate expander you need to turn a key and that’s how the teeth expand, but it doesn’t hurt, there is just pressure on your teeth for a few minutes.
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by nev_m_07
@Elise64 @Cirivere permanent retainers don’t stay in forever 😅 they call them permanent retainers because you don’t have to take it in and out when you eat, brush your teeth, etc. It’s just there. I’ve had many friends who got them and prefer them over regular retainers because they are really low maintenance. You can even get it behind your teeth so no one will even know it’s there! Once you have it in for as long as you need, the orthodontist takes it out and you’re done! No more retainer. (Although they might give you one to wear at night after they take the “permanent” one out.