read to find out the best way to make twisted ends on bracelets!
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by 2006_Mandy
So I just thought today of the best way to make twisted ends on a bracelet. Twisting the two strands in one direction and then twisting them together in the opposite direction can be hard and a lot of the time I end up having to redo the whole process. Well that shall happen no more! Have you ever seen those cheap twisting things at dollarama? They are pink and meant for twisting hair. My sister has one and although not the best with hair I thought it would work well with string and it does! All you do is buy it for $4 and put the two ends of the strands in the two parts where you would put the two strands of hair and then you hold the button up and watch as the strands twist counterclockwise it’s amazing. The best part is that it cannot fall out unlike when twisting with your fingers. Then you hold the pink thing and turn it the opposite direction, take out the two ends carefully and tie your knot. I tried it and it works the key is to knot over twist your strings and to put the ends of the strands near the clips on it. You still have to be careful when taking it off and turning the thing but the machine definitely is the best and way easier than making the ends yourself. Of course if you already make them fine this is not necessary but it makes the ends better than I do. Try it! It’s worth the $4 and it can also be used with your hair. It’s comes with paracord or something like that, elastics, hair clips and the machine plus instruction for hair. (Don’t follow the instructions that it comes with.)
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by 2006_Mandy